Setting qos zone-based traffic prioritization, Prioritization – Brocade Fabric OS Administrators Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual
Page 386
Limitations and restrictions for QoS zone-based traffic prioritization
• Enabling and disabling QoS is potentially disruptive to the I/O on the affected port.
• If a host and target are included in two or more QoS zones with different priorities, the following
priorities take precedence:
High and medium zones = High priority
High and low zones = Low priority
Medium and low zones = Low priority
High, medium, and low zones = Low priority
For example, if an effective zone configuration has QOSH_z1 (H,T) and QOSL_z2 (H,T), the traffic
flow between H and T will be of low QoS priority.
• If QOSH_z1 (H,T) overlaps with a D,I (domain,index) zone at the H port, the traffic flow between H
and T is dropped to medium priority and the H port is marked as a session-based zoning port.
• Traffic prioritization is enforced on the egress ports only, not on the ingress ports.
• Traffic prioritization is not supported on mirrored ports.
• Traffic prioritization is not supported over LSAN zones. The traffic is always medium priority in the
ingress edge fabric, the backbone fabric, and the egress edge fabric.
• Traffic prioritization is not supported on a CryptoTarget container (redirection zone). Refer to the
Fabric OS Encryption Administrator's Guide for information about redirection zones.
• Traffic prioritization is not supported in McDATA Fabric Mode (interopmode 2) or Open Fabric Mode
(interopmode 3).
• QoS zones that use D,I notation are not supported for QoS over FCR.
• QoS zones that use D,I notation should not be used for loop or NPIV ports.
• If QoS is enabled, an additional 16 buffer credits are allocated per port for 8-Gbps ports in Extended
Mode (LE). Refer to
Managing Long-Distance Fabrics
on page 527 for information about buffer
credit allocation in extended fabrics.
• If some ports in a trunk group have QoS enabled and some ports have QoS disabled, then two
different trunks are formed, one with QoS enabled and one with QoS disabled.
• QoS mode cannot be explicitly enabled on simulation ports (SIM ports). CS_CTL mode can be
enabled on SIM ports.
Setting QoS zone-based traffic prioritization
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account with admin permissions.
2. Enter the zoneCreate command to create zones for high- and low-priority traffic.
• For high-priority traffic, use the following syntax:
zonecreate "QOSHid_zonename", "member[; member...]"
• For low-priority traffic, use the following syntax:
zonecreate "QOSLid_zonename", "member[; member...]"
The id range is from 1 through 5 for high-priority traffic, which corresponds to VCs 10 through 14.
For low-priority traffic, the id range is from 1 through 2, which corresponds to VCs 8 and 9. The id is
optional; if it is not specified, the virtual channels are allocated by means of a round-robin scheme.
3. Enter the cfgAdd command to add the QoS zone to the zone configuration, by using the following
cfgadd "cfgname", "QOSzonename"
4. Enter the cfgSave command to save the change to the defined configuration.
Limitations and restrictions for QoS zone-based traffic prioritization
Fabric OS Administrators Guide