Clearing ee monitor counters, Frame monitoring – Brocade Fabric OS Administrators Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual

Page 497

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Example of displaying an end-to-end monitor on a port at 10-second intervals

switch:admin> perfMonitorShow --class EE 4/5 10

Showing EE monitors 4/5 10: Tx/Rx are # of bytes

0 1 2 3 4

--------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx

========= ========= ========= ========= =========

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

53m 4.9m 53m 4.9m 53m 4.9m 53m 4.9m 53m 0

53m 4.4m 53m 4.4m 53m 4.4m 53m 4.4m 53m 0

53m 4.8m 53m 4.8m 53m 4.8m 53m 4.8m 53m 0

53m 4.6m 53m 4.6m 53m 4.6m 53m 4.6m 53m 0

53m 5.0m 53m 5.0m 53m 5.0m 53m 5.0m 53m 0

53m 4.5m 53m 4.5m 53m 4.5m 53m 4.5m 53m 0

Example of displaying EE monitors on a port

switch:admin> perfMonitorShow --class EE 4/5

There are 7 end-to-end monitor(s) defined on port 53.





0 0x58e0f 0x1182ef TELNET 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 N/A

0 0x21300 0x21dda TELNET 0x00000004d0ba9915 0x0000000067229e65 N/A

1 0x21300 0x21ddc TELNET 0x00000004d0baa754 0x0000000067229e65 N/A

2 0x21300 0x21de0 TELNET 0x00000004d0bab3a5 0x0000000067229e87 N/A

3 0x21300 0x21de1 TELNET 0x00000004d0bac1e4 0x0000000067229e87 N/A

4 0x21300 0x21de2 TELNET 0x00000004d0bad086 0x0000000067229e87 N/A

5 0x11000 0x21fd6 WEB_TOOLS 0x00000004d0bade54 0x0000000067229e87

6 0x11000 0x21fe0 WEB_TOOLS 0x00000004d0baed41 0x0000000067229e98

Clearing EE monitor counters

The following example clears statistics counters for an end-to-end monitor:

switch:admin> perfMonitorClear --class EE 1/2 5

End-to-End monitor number 5 counters are cleared

The following example clears statistics counters for all end-to-end monitors on a specific port:

switch:admin> perfMonitorClear --class EE 1/2

This will clear ALL EE monitors' counters on port 2, continue?

(yes, y, no, n): [no] y

Frame monitoring

Frame monitoring counts the number of times a frame with a particular pattern is transmitted by a port,
and generates alerts when thresholds are crossed. Frame monitoring is achieved by defining a filter, or
frame type, for a particular purpose. The frame type can be a standard type (for example, an SCSI read
command filter that counts the number of SCSI read commands that have been transmitted by the port)
or a user-defined frame type customized for your particular use. For a complete list of the standard,
predefined frame types, refer to the fmMonitor command description in the Fabric OS Command

The maximum number of frame monitors and offsets per port depends on the platform. The following
table shows the maximum number of frame monitors, in any combination of standard and user-defined
frame types, and the maximum number of offsets per port.

Clearing EE monitor counters

Fabric OS Administrators Guide

