Supported platforms for virtual fabrics, Supported platforms for, Virtual fabrics – Brocade Fabric OS Administrators Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual
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IPFC addresses are not handled by configupload or configdownload. The IPFC address of the default
logical switch or a non-VF switch is stored on the WWN card or compact flash. This address does not
display in a configshow. Non-default logical switch IPFC addresses display in a confgshow. The
ipaddrshow command displays all switch addresses and IPFC addresses configured in the chassis.
Use the following procedure to set up IP addresses for a logical switch:
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account with admin permissions.
2. Enter the ipAddrSet -ls command.
• To add an IPv4 address, use the--add parameter. Specify the network information in dotted-
decimal notation for the Ethernet IPv4 address with a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
• To delete an IPv4 address, use the --delete parameter.
3. Enter the ipaddrshow command to verify the result.
The following example sets IP addresses with the CIDR prefix for logical
switches with FID 1, 2, and 128 (default logical switch).
switch:FID128:admin> ipaddrset -ls 1 --add
IP address is being changed...Done.
switch:FID128:admin> ipaddrset -ls 2 --add
IP address is being changed...Done.
switch:FID128:admin> ipaddrset -ls 128 --add
IP address is being changed...Done.
switch:FID128:admin> ipaddrshow
Ethernet IP Address:
Ethernet Subnetmask:
Gateway IP Address:
IPFC address for virtual fabric ID 128:
IPFC address for virtual fabric ID 1:
IPFC address for virtual fabric ID 2:
The following example deletes the IP address for the logical switch with FID 1.
switch:FID128:admin> ipaddrset -ls 1 --delete
Supported platforms for Virtual Fabrics
The following platforms are Virtual Fabrics-capable:
• Brocade 5100
• Brocade 5300
• Brocade 6510
• Brocade 6520
• Brocade 7800
• Brocade 7840
• Brocade VA-40FC, in Native mode only
• Brocade DCX
• Brocade DCX-4S
• Brocade DCX 8510 family
Supported platforms for Virtual Fabrics
Fabric OS Administrators Guide