Adding a member to an existing acl policy, Removing a member from an acl policy, Abandoning unsaved acl policy changes – Brocade Fabric OS Administrators Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual
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Example of deleting an ACL policy
switch:admin> secpolicydelete "DCC_POLICY_010"
About to delete policy Finance_Policy.
Are you sure (yes, y, no, n):[no] y
Finance_Policy has been deleted.
Adding a member to an existing ACL policy
As soon as a policy has been activated, the aspect of the fabric managed by that policy is enforced.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account with admin permissions, or an account with OM
permissions for the Security RBAC class of commands.
2. Enter the secPolicyAdd command.
3. To implement the change immediately, enter the secPolicyActivate command.
For example, to add a member to the SCC_POLICY using the switch WWN:
switch:admin> secpolicyadd "SCC_POLICY", "12:24:45:10:0a:67:00:40"
Member(s) have been added to SCC_POLICY.
Example of adding members to the DCC policy
To add two devices to the DCC policy, and to attach domain 3 ports 1 and 3 (WWNs of devices are
11:22:33:44:55:66:77:aa and 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:bb):
switch:admin> secpolicyadd "DCC_POLICY_abc",
Removing a member from an ACL policy
As soon as a policy has been activated, the aspect of the fabric managed by that policy is enforced.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account with admin permissions, or an account with OM
permissions for the Security RBAC class of commands.
2. Enter the secPolicyRemove command.
3. To implement the change immediately, enter the secPolicyActivate command.
Example of removing a member
For example, to remove a member that has a WWN of 12:24:45:10:0a:67:00:40 from the
switch:admin> secpolicyremove "SCC_POLICY", "12:24:45:10:0a:67:00:40"
Member(s) have been removed from SCC_POLICY.
Abandoning unsaved ACL policy changes
You can abandon all ACL policy changes that have not yet been saved.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account with admin permissions, or an account with OM
permissions for the Security RBAC class of commands.
2. Enter the secPolicyAbort command.
Example of aborting unsaved changes
switch:admin> secpolicyabort
Unsaved data has been aborted.
Adding a member to an existing ACL policy
Fabric OS Administrators Guide