Yokogawa Data Acquisition with PID Control CX2000 User Manual
Page 62

IM 04L31A01-17E
• Screen displayed by the CX
• If the CX is in the operation mode,* the monitor screen displayed on the CX
(control, trend, digital, bar graph, overview, alarm summary, message summary,
memory summary, report, or historical trend) is displayed on the monitor page.
• If the CX is in the setting mode* or basic setting mode,* the monitor screen
cannot be displayed. An error message is displayed in the message area at the
top section of the monitor screen.
* For a description of the modes, see the
user’s manual IM04L31A01-01E
• Refreshing the Monitor Page
The monitor page can be refreshed automatically or manually.
• Auto Refresh ON
The monitor page is refreshed at a refresh rate of approximately 30 s.
• Auto Refresh OFF
Monitor page is not automatically refreshed. You can refresh the page
manually. Within 30 s of the last refreshing, the page is not refreshed even if
you attempt to refresh the page manually.
• Zooming in or out of the screen
The CX screen that is displayed on the monitor page can be reduced to 75% in
size (expanded to 200% on the CX1000).
• Displaying the alarm summary
You can display the alarm summary. Click the “Refresh” button to refresh the data.
Refresh the data
• Displaying measured/computed data
You can display the measured/computed data (excluding measurement channels
set to skip and computation channels set to Off). Click the “Refresh” button to
refresh the data.
• Displaying control data
You can display the control data (excluding internal and external loops that are
turned off). Click the “Refresh” button to refresh the data.
The “°” set on the CX is displayed as “^” on the Web browser.
2.10 Using the Monitor Page and Operator Page