2 pdf report files, 3 printing on a printer over the lan, 2 pdf report files -103 – Yokogawa Touch Screen GP20 User Manual

Page 117: 3 printing on a printer over the lan -103, App 1.12.2 pdf report files

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IM 04L51B01-01EN

Configuring the GX/GP







1.12.2 PDF Report Files

For instructions on how to create templates, see page App-16 in section Appendix 4, “Creating

Report Templates”.




Format, extension

Yokogawa proprietary format. The extension is .tpl (lowercase).

File name

Assign a file name of your choosing.


Creates a report template for each kind of report file. The kinds of report files

available are hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, hourly + daily, daily + weekly,

daily + monthly, batch, and day custom.

Creation method

Create templates using a YOKOGAWA’s original tool.

PDF Report Files



Format, extension

PDF format. The extension is .pdf (lowercase).

File name

The file name excluding the extension is the same as the report file with the

.GRE extension.

File name: page 1-89 in section 1.9.1, “Setting the Save Directory, File Header,

and File Name”


For each kind of report file, a corresponding template file is used to create the

appropriate report files.
The report file that you create is based on the report creation setting. For

example, if the GX/GP is not configured to create daily reports, you will not

be able to use a report template to create daily reports. However, regardless

of this setting, you can output the data of all data types (average, maximum,

minimum, sum, and instantaneous).

1.12.3 Printing on a Printer over the LAN

Report template

The report template for PDF reports is used to output data to the printer.

Printer output



Compatible printers

HP-PCL compatible printers connected over the LAN

For configuring the printer, see page 1-149 in section 1.18.7, “Setting the Printer

Output Conditions”.


For each kind of report file, the specified template file is used to create the

appropriate report files. The report file that you create is based on the report

creation setting. For example, if the GX/GP is not configured to create daily

reports, you will not be able to create daily reports. However, regardless of

this setting, you can output the data of all data types (average, maximum,

minimum, sum, and instantaneous).

1.12 Using the Report Template Function (/MT option)

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