Series D8 User’s Guide
Watlow Anafaze
Doc. 0600-3120-2000
tools 13
torque for screw terminals 24
typical 12
wire recommendations 20, 31
wire sizes
controller 21
TB50 output 182
wiring 20–25, 27–39
instance 57, 61, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
instance attributes 61
description 113
guidelines for setting 116–117
setting a value 137
settings from other controllers 116
term versus reset settings 115
job display 83
remote selection 126
saving to memory 125
Dual DAC 177
power supply common 25
Serial DAC 176
when using 2-wire RTD 30
does not work 82, 161, 166
navigation 79
testing 152
Keypad Lock 76, 129
Keypad Test 152
ladder logic 53, 54, 55, 57
LD alarm code 82
limit controller 8
limit, output 141
Load Setup From Job 76, 125
load setup not available 125
Loop Name 68, 132
loop name on loop display 80
closed-loop control 86–88
display information 80
naming 132
number available 185
tuning 115–117
low deviation alarm, see process alarms
Low Deviation Function 145
Low Deviation Output 72, 146
Low Deviation Value 71, 97, 145
low power alarm 83, 163
MAC ID (see also
Node Address) 61, 63, 130
man message on loop display 80
manual mode
during a failed sensor alarm 142
during a mode override 142
during a thermocouple open alarm 142
if ambient temperature is out of range 155
Mode parameter 122
setting 85
manual reset 137
mapping data 50, 51
master 50
Master/Slave 47
menu structure 213
accessing 86
Alarms 143–147
Cascade 149–150
Global Setup 125–129
I/O Tests 151–153
Input 131–135
map of 124, 213
navigating 86
Output 139–143
PV Retrans 148
Ratio 150–151
message body 57
message header 56, 57
Message Router Object 62
Mode 71, 85
Mode outputs disabled 85
Mode Override 76, 127–128
percent output power 142
Mode Override Digital Input Active 76, 127–128
Model and Firmware Version parameter 131
model number
description of 5, 6
Modes 64
Module LED parameter (see also Module status
indicator) 130
Module Status Indicator 6, 23, 40, 41, 44, 130, 162
mounting, see installation
Network LED parameter (see also Network status
indicator) 130
Network Length 42
Network Status Indicator 6, 23, 40, 41, 44, 130
Node Address 63, 130
switch 14
eliminating problems with 21
isolation 22
reducing with zero-cross switching 119
suppression 21–22
symptoms 21
on/off control
control signal 118
description 112
selecting 139
Open Thermocouple Cool Output Average 69
Open Thermocouple Heat Output Average 69, 94, 142
output data 53, 64, 65
Output Menu 139–143
Output Object 68
output power
changing 85
on loop display 80
output specification 187–188
5 Vdc output power 188
alarm, see alarms
analog, see Dual DAC or Serial DAC
boost output 96
control, see control outputs
D8 power requirements 188
digital, see digital outputs