Heat/cool action, Heat/cool power limit, Heat/cool power limit time – Watlow Series D8 User Manual
Page 159: Heat/cool action 141, Heat/cool power limit 141, Heat/cool power limit time 141

Series D8 User’s Guide
Chapter 6: Menu and Parameter Reference
Doc. 0600-3120-2000
Watlow Anafaze
Heat/Cool Action
Choose the control action for the output. When the action is
set to reverse, the output goes up when the process variable
goes down. When the action is set to direct, the output goes
down when the process variable goes down. Normally, heat
outputs are set to reverse action and cool outputs are set to di-
rect action.
reverse (0) or direct (1). Values in parentheses are for
reverse (0) for heat outputs, direct (1) for cool out-
DeviceNet Object:
Output (65 hex)
Heat/Cool Power Limit
Use this parameter to limit the output power for a heat or cool
output. This limit may be continuous, or it may be in effect for
the number of minutes specified at the next parameter.
The power limit only affects loops in automatic mode. It does
not affect loops in manual mode.
0 to 100% (0 to 1000). Values in parentheses are for
100% (1000)
Decimal Placement for DeviceNet:
for Percentage Values on page 60.
DeviceNet Object:
Output (65 hex)
Heat/Cool Power Limit Time
Enter the duration of the power limit set at the previous pa-
rameter, or choose continuous to keep the limit in effect at all
If you choose a timed limit, the limit timer restarts whenever
the controller powers up and whenever the loop switches from
manual to automatic mode.
1 to 999 minutes (1 to 999) or continuous (0). Values
in parentheses are for communications.
continuous (0)
DeviceNet Object:
Output (65 hex)
l01 Heat actionr
l01 Heat power r
limit b100%
l01 HtPwr limitr
time bcontinuous