Watlow Series D8 User Manual
Page 217

Series D8 User’s Guide
Doc. 0600-3120-2000
Watlow Anafaze
Direct Action
An output control action in which an increase in the
process variable causes an increase in the output. Usu-
ally used with cooling applications.
Direct Current (DC)
An electric current that fl ws in one direction.
Distributed Zero Crossing (DZC)
A form of digital output control in which the output
on/off state is calculated for e
very ac line c ycle.
Power is switched at the zero cross, which reduces
electrical noise. See also Zero Cross.
See Distributed Zero Crossing.
Earth Ground
A metal rod, usually copper , that provides an electri-
cal path to the earth, to pre vent or reduce the risk of
electrical shock.
Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) and Telecommu-
nications Industry Association (TIA). See also Serial
A standard for interface between
data terminal equipment and data communications
equipment for serial binary data interchange. This
is usually for communications over a short distance
(50 feet [15 m] or less) and to a single device.
A standard for electrical charac-
teristics of generators and recei vers for use in bal-
anced digital multipoint systems. This is usually
used to communicate with multiple de vices over a
common cable or where distances o ver 50 feet (15
m) are required.
Electrical Noise
See Noise.
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
Electrical and magnetic noise imposed on a system.
There are many possible causes, such as switching ac
power inside the sine w ave. EMI can interfere with
the operation of controllers and other devices.
Electrical-Mechanical Relays
See Relay, Electromechanical.
The ratio of radiation emitted from a surf ace com-
pared to radiation emitted from a blackbody at the
same temperature.
Engineering Units
Selectable units of measure, such as de grees Celsius
or F ahrenheit, pounds per square inch, ne wtons per
meter, gallons per minute, liters per minute, cubic feet
per minute or cubic meters per minute.
The temperature scale that sets the freezing point of
water at 32° F and its boiling point at 212° F at stan-
dard atmospheric pressure. The formula for con ver-
sion to Celsius is °C = 5/9 (°F - 32).
Failed Sensor Alarm
Warns that an input sensor no longer produces a v alid
Filters are used to handle v
arious electrical noise
Digital Filter
A filter that sl ws the response of
a system when inputs change unrealistically or too
fast. Equi valent to a standard resistor
(RC) filte
Digital Adaptive Filter
A filter that reject
high frequency input signal noise (noise spikes).
Heat/Cool Filter
A filter that sl ws the change
in the response of the heat or cool output. The out-
put responds to a step change by going to approxi-
mately 2/3 its final alue within the numbers of
scans that are set.
The number of cycles over a specified period of time
usually measured in c ycles per second. Also referred
to as Hertz (Hz).
The amount of amplification used in an electrical ci -
cuit. Gain can also refer to the proportional (P) mode
of PID.