Watlow Series D8 User Manual

Page 216

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Series D8 User’s Guide


Watlow Anafaze

Doc. 0600-3120-2000


A temperature scale in which w ater freezes at 0° C

and boils at 100° C

at standard atmospheric pressure.

The formula for conversion to the F ahrenheit scale is

°F = (1.8 x °C) + 32. Formerly known as Centigrade.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

The unit of a computing system that includes the cir -

cuits controlling the interpretation of instructions and

their execution.


Any closed path for electrical current. A configuratio

of electrically or electromagnetically-connected com-

ponents or devices.


The model for a software object. Objects of a class are

similar to one another. DeviceNet classes define wha

attributes and services objects of that type have. Class

services are used to e

xamine and change class


Closed Loop

A control system that uses a sensor to measure a pro-

cess variable and makes decisions based on that feed-


Cold Junction

Connection point between thermocouple metals and

the electronic instrument.

Common Mode Rejection Ratio

The ability of an instrument to reject electrical noise,

with relation to ground, from a common voltage. Usu-

ally expressed in decibels (dB).


The use of digital computer messages to link compo-

nents. See also Serial Communications, Baud Rate.

Control Action

The response of the PID control output relati ve to the

difference between the process v ariable and the set

point. See also Direct Action, Reverse Action.


The rate of fl w of electricity. The unit of measure is

the Ampere (A). 1 Ampere = 1 coulomb per second.

Cycle Time

The time required for a controller to complete one on-

off-on cycle. It is usually expressed in seconds.

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

An error checking method in communications that

provides a high level of data security.



See Digital-to-Analog Converter.

Data Logging

A method of recording a process v

ariable o ver a

period of time. Used to review process performance.


See Direct Current.

Default Parameters

The programmed instructions that are permanently

stored in the microprocessor software.

Derivative Control (D)

The last term in the PID algorithm. Action that antici-

pates the rate of change of the process and compen-

sates to minimize o

vershoot and undershoot.

Derivative control is an instantaneous change of the

control output in the same direction as the propor


tional error. This is caused by a change in the process

variable that decreases over the time of the derivative.

The derivative is expressed in seconds.

Deutsche Industrial Norms (DIN)

A set of technical, scientific and dimensional stan

dards de veloped in German y. Man y DIN standards

have worldwide recognition.

Deviation Alarm

See High Deviation Alarm, Low Deviation Alarm.


DeviceNet is a netw

ork that connects industrial

devices. De viceNet is designed to pro vide a cost-

effective and rob ust solution to de vice netw orking.

DeviceNet is designed to transport control-oriented

information associated with lo w-level de vices and

other information related to the system being con-

trolled, such as configuration parameters

Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)

A device that con verts a numerical input signal to a

signal that is proportional to the input in some way.


See Deutsche Industrial Norms.