How to set up closed-loop control, Setting up a process input, Input scaling – Watlow Series D8 User Manual
Page 106: How to set up closed-loop control 88, Setting up a process input 88, Input scaling 88
Chapter 4: Operation and Setup
Series D8 User’s Guide
Watlow Anafaze
Doc. 0600-3120-2000
How to Set Up Closed-Loop Control
To set up closed-loop control:
Use the Input menu to specify the type of input signal
and, if necessary, how to scale that signal.
Use the Control menu to specify PID parameters and the
control hysteresis.
Use the Output menu to enable the heat and cool outputs
and to specify other output parameters.
Provide a set point:
To use cascade control to adjust the set point of the
loop, set up the Cascade menu.
To use ratio control, differential control, or remote
analog set point, set up the Ratio menu.
To manually adjust the set point of the loop, use the
Set point
parameter to enter the set point. See
Changing the Set Point on page 84.
Put the controller in automatic mode. See Changing the
Control Mode and Output Power on page 85.
For more information about the setup menus and parameters,
see the Menu and Parameter Reference chapter.
Setting Up a Process Input
If you use a process input signal, you must set up scaling pa-
rameters in the Input menu to scale the raw input signals to the
engineering units of the process.
Input Scaling
To scale the input, you enter values that represent two points
on a conversion line. Each point indicates an input signal level
and the corresponding process value.
The input signal is expressed as percent of full range. For ex-
ample, for a 0 to 20 mA process input, 0 mA is 0 percent, 10
mA is 50 percent, and so on.
The conversion line scales the input signal to the engineering
units of the process. For example, in Figure 4.6, a 20 percent
input signal corresponds to 8 pounds per square inch (PSI),
and a 100 percent signal corresponds to 28 PSI.