Input scaling example: 4 to 20 ma sensor, Input scaling example: 4 to 20 ma sensor 89, Figure 4.6—input scaling 89 – Watlow Series D8 User Manual

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Series D8 User’s Guide

Chapter 4: Operation and Setup

Doc. 0600-3120-2000

Watlow Anafaze


Figure 4.6

Input Scaling

The range for set points and alarms is bound by the process

variables that correspond to the 0 percent and 100 percent in-

put signals. Bear in mind that the range for set points and

alarms is not bound by the low and high process variable rang-

es that you enter in the scaling parameters.

Input Scaling Example: 4 to 20 mA Sensor


Suppose the controller has a 0 to 20 mA process input that is

connected to a pressure sensor. The pressure sensor has a

range of 4 to 20 mA, representing 0.0 to 50.0 pounds per

square inch (PSI).


Set the scaling parameters in the Input menu as follows:

For the Input type parameter, choose process.

For the Disp format parameter, choose -999.9to 3000.0,

because the sensor measures PSI in tenths.

For the Input signal low and Input signal high parame-

ters, use the minimum and maximum range of the sensor.

In this case, the sensor range is 4 to 20 mA. The range

must be expressed in percent of full scale. To determine

the percentages, divide the minimum and maximum sen-

sor range (4 mA and 20 mA) by the maximum signal that

the controller can accept (20 mA):

Input signal low

= 4 mA/20 mA = 0.2 = 20%




Input Signal


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or set points and alarms