Watlow Series D8 User Manual

Page 22

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Chapter 1: System Overview

Series D8 User’s Guide


Watlow Anafaze

Doc. 0600-3120-2000

Nonlinear Output Curves:

Select either of two nonlin-

ear output curves for each control output.


Use the autotune feature to set up your sys-

tem quickly and easily. The internal expert system table

finds the correct PID parameters for your process.

Low Power Shutdown:

The controller shuts down and

turns off all outputs when it detects the input voltage drop

below the minimum safe operating level.

Process Variable Retransmit:

Scale a temperature or

process and convert it to an analog output for external de-

vices such as chart recorders.

Two-Zone Cascade Control:

Control thermal systems

with long lag times, which cannot be accurately con-

trolled with a single loop.

Ratio or Offset Control:

Control one process as a ratio

or offset of another process.

Remote Analog Set Point:

Scale an external voltage or

current source to provide a set point for a loop.