Tektronix MTG100 User Manual
Page 225

Appendix D: Performance Verification
MTG100 & MTG300 MPEG Generator User Manual
This test verifies the frequency of the MPEG generator’s internal clock. The
following equipment and MPEG test signal is required for this test:
H Frequency counter
H Probe
H test64.trp MPEG test signal
Perform the following procedure to verify the internal clock frequency of the
MPEG generator:
1. Connect the probe to the input of the frequency counter, and then attach the
probe tip to pin 1 of the ECL/TTL/LVDS OUT connector on the MPEG
generator as shown in Figure D-2.
2. Set the frequency counter to the frequency measurement mode (if necessary).
and then set the Gate Time to > 0.2 s.
Frequencycounter (MF 1603A)
MPEG generator rear panel
Connect probe to pin 1
Figure DĆ2: Equipment connection for verifying the internal clock frequency
3. Open the test64.trp file on the MPEG generator.
a. Select Open TS File... from the FILE pull-down menu.
b. In the resulting Select TS File dialog box, select the test64.trp file, and
then press the OK bezel button.
4. Press the START/STOP button on the MPEG generator to start the signal
output of the test64.trp file.
5. Verify that the following LEDs on the MPEG generator’s front panel are
illuminated: PLL, BUFFER, and HDD.
6. Set the frequency counter to trigger on the input, and then confirm that the
displayed frequency is within the range of 7.999992 MHz to 8.000008 MHz.
7. Press the START/STOP button on the MPEG generator to stop the signal
output, and then remove the probe tip from the ECL/TTL/LVDS OUT
Internal Clock Frequency
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