Tektronix MTG100 User Manual
Page 219

Appendix C: Using the ReMux Application
MTG100 & MTG300 MPEG Generator User Manual
This mode allows you to de-multiplex (separate) the original transport stream
from a transport stream of M-TMCC structure. The transport stream thus
de-multiplexed, in addition, is bit-rate converted to a packet form of 204 bytes.
This subsection describes the procedure to de-multiplex the original transport
stream from a transport stream of M-TMCC structure.
1. Select DeMux from the ReMux pull-down menu or click the DeMux
M-TMCC TS button on the toolbar to open the Open dialog box.
2. In the dialog box, select a transport stream file of M-TMCC structure, and
then click the Open button to open the editing window for the DeMux
M-TMCC TS mode shown in Figure C-14.
Figure CĆ14: Editing window for the DeMux MĆTMCC TS mode
NOTE. If you select a transport stream file having no M-TMCC structure, an
error message appears.
3. Select Execute in the ReMux pull-down menu or click the
button to open the DEMUX dialog box shown in Figure C-15.
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