Tektronix MTG100 User Manual
Page 212

Appendix C: Using the ReMux Application
MTG100 & MTG300 MPEG Generator User Manual
This mode allows you to create a transport stream of M-TMCC structure from a
transport stream of S-TMCC structure.
This subsection describes the procedure to create a transport stream of M-TMCC
structure from a transport stream of S-TMCC structure.
1. Select New from the File pull-down menu or click the New button on the
toolbar to open the Select Remux Mode dialog box shown in Figure C-3 on
page C-5.
2. Select ReMux to M-TMCC TS from S-TMCC TS in the dialog box, and
then click the OK button to open the editing window for the ReMux to
M-TMCC TS from S-TMCC TS mode shown in Figure C-9.
Figure CĆ9: Editing window for the ReMuxto MĆTMCC TS from SĆTMCC TS mode
Selecting a Transport Stream File.
3. Select Add from the Edit pull-down menu or click the + (Add) button on the
toolbar to open the Open dialog box.
4. In the dialog box, select a transport stream file having S-TMCC structure,
and then click the Open button to open the Edit TS Information dialog box
shown in Figure C-6 on page C-10.
NOTE. If you select a transport stream file having no S-TMCC structure, an error
message appears.
from SĆTMCC TS Mode
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