Tektronix MTG100 User Manual
Page 190

Appendix B: Using MTG Comm
for File Transfers
MTG100 & MTG300 MPEG Generator User Manual
The View menu contains commands that control the appearance of the
MTG Comm
application window. Table B-6 describes each of the View menu
Table BĆ6: MTG Comm+ View menu commands
Togglesthe display of the Toolbar on and off in the application
window. A check mark precedesthe command in the menu when the
Toolbar is selected for display.
Togglesthe display of the Statusbar on and off in the application
window. A check mark precedesthe command in the menu when the
Statusbar isselected for display.
Large Icons
Causes the application to display files or folders in the List view using
large icons. A check mark precedes the command in the menu when
Large Iconsisselected.
Small Icons
Causes the application to display files or folders in the List view using
small icons. A check mark precedes the command in the menu when
Small Iconsisselected.
Causesthe application to display filesor foldersin the List view in a
vertical list form. A check mark precedes the command in the menu
when List is selected.
Causesthe application to display filesor foldersin the List view in a
detailed column format which includes the file size and last modified
date of each file. A check mark precedesthe command in the menu
when Detailsisselected.
When you select Details, you can click on the column names in the
List view to reorder the contents of the directory by file name, by file
size, or by file date.
Arrange Icons
Setsthe display order for the foldersand filesin the List view. You can
arrange the List view display by Name, Size, or Date.
Refreshes the file display in the List view.
View Menu
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