HEIDENHAIN ND 2100G User Manual
Nd 2100g gage-chek
Table of contents
Document Outline
- ND 2100G panel keys
- ND 2100G rear panel
- ND 2100G side panel
- Fonts used in this manual
- Showing sequences of key presses
- Symbols within notes
- Safety considerations
- ND 2100G channel inputs
- Software version
- Cleaning
- Overview .... 18
- Switching on the ND 2100G .... 20
- Switching off the ND 2100G .... 20
- Dimension keys .... 23
- Screen navigation .... 26
- Home screen .... 27
- DRO screen .... 27
- View soft keys and screens .... 28
- View soft keys for subgroups of one .... 28
- Dimension graphs for SPC subgroups of one .... 28
- Dimension histograms for SPC subgroups of one .... 29
- Bar and dial current value displays .... 30
- Dimension data tables for SPC subgroups of one .... 31
- View soft keys for subgroups greater than one .... 32
- Dimension x charts for subgroups greater than one .... 32
- Dimension r charts for subgroups greater than one .... 33
- Dimension data tables for subgroups greater than one .... 34
- in/mm menu items .... 35
- Master menu items and screens .... 35
- Menu soft keys .... 37
- Select a part to begin a measurement .... 42
- Establish a reference for the measurement .... 43
- Calibration groups (G1, G2, G3...G18) .... 45
- Calibrations of transducer resolution (Min-Max calibrations) .... 46
- Establishing a temporary dimension reference .... 48
- Conducting measurements .... 51
- Reviewing measurements .... 55
- Printing reports or sending results to a computer .... 55
- Items included with the ND 2100G .... 60
- Optional items possibly included .... 60
- Repackaging the ND 2100G .... 61
- Assembling the mounting stand .... 62
- Connecting power .... 64
- Connecting channel inputs .... 65
- Connecting a computer .... 66
- Connecting headphones and USB printer .... 66
- Connecting an optional foot switch or remote keypad .... 67
- Setup menu .... 69
- Accessing and navigating the Setup menu .... 70
- Entering data into setup fields .... 71
- Deleting data entries .... 72
- Entering setup parameters .... 72
- Changing the channel or dimension number .... 72
- Entering parameters .... 73
- Copying parameters to other parts, dimensions or channels .... 73
- Saving a parameter and advancing to the next .... 74
- Saving a parameter and returning to the Setup menu .... 74
- Discarding changes and returning to the Setup menu .... 74
- Leaving the Setup menu .... 75
- Printing ND 2100G setup configurations .... 75
- Saving or loading ND 2100G configurations .... 75
- Minimum setup requirements .... 76
- Setup screens .... 76
- About setup screen .... 76
- Dimensions setup screen .... 77
- Formats setup screen .... 80
- Formulas setup screen .... 82
- Variables setup screen .... 83
- Tolerances setup screen .... 84
- SPC setup screen .... 91
- Header setup screen .... 96
- Memory setup screen .... 97
- S labels setup screen .... 97
- S formulas setup screen .... 98
- Globals setup screen .... 98
- Channels setup screen .... 99
- Specifying the input channel .... 99
- Selecting the channel input type .... 100
- Specifying input channel setup parameters .... 101
- Master link probe balancing .... 101
- Setting the resolution for the linked channels .... 102
- Specifying channel input resolution .... 103
- Specifying units of measure .... 104
- Reversing channel input polarity .... 104
- Specifying encoder reference marks .... 105
- Changing the machine zero position .... 106
- Enabling scale error notification .... 106
- Calibrating LVDT and HBT transducer gain .... 106
- Centering (nulling) LVDT and HBT transducers .... 107
- Selecting an external RS-232 channel .... 108
- Specifying an RS-232 input port .... 108
- EnDat 2.2 encoder interface .... 109
- Master setup screen .... 111
- SLEC setup screen .... 115
- SLEC setup procedure .... 118
- Display setup screen .... 123
- Report setup screen .... 127
- Report characters setup screen .... 130
- Send setup screen .... 132
- Send characters setup screen .... 134
- Parallel setup screen .... 135
- RS-232 setup screen .... 136
- USB setup screen .... 139
- Hot Keys setup screen .... 141
- Clock setup screen .... 152
- External edge setup screen (optional) .... 154
- Misc. setup screen .... 158
- Supervisor setup screen .... 161
- Introduction to formulas .... 163
- How do formulas relate inputs to dimensions? .... 165
- Visible or hidden dimensions? .... 165
- Visible dimensions .... 165
- Hidden dimensions .... 165
- When are dimensions stored in the ND 2100G database? .... 166
- What can formulas do? .... 166
- When are formulas constructed or edited? .... 167
- How can formulas be recorded for safekeeping? .... 167
- Constructing and editing formulas .... 168
- Formula functions .... 176
- Basic formula functions .... 178
- Channel functions .... 179
- Dimension functions .... 181
- Arithmetic operators .... 183
- Units of measure .... 184
- Basic math functions .... 185
- Exponent function (exp) .... 186
- Trig and inverse trig functions (sin through atan) .... 187
- Absolute value (abs) function .... 188
- Integer function (int) .... 189
- Pi and other constants .... 190
- Advanced formula functions .... 191
- Commas (,) .... 194
- Semicolon (;) .... 195
- Logical and control .... 196
- Din .... 198
- Dout .... 198
- MinIndex and MaxIndex .... 199
- RsetDyn .... 199
- If function .... 200
- Case function .... 201
- Minimum (min) and maximum (max) functions .... 204
- Average (avg) and median (md) functions .... 206
- Modulo (mod) function .... 207
- Sequence (seq) function .... 208
- Trip function and measurement automation .... 212
- Dynamic minimum (Dmn) and dynamic maximum (Dmx) functions .... 215
- Dynamic average (Davg) and dynamic median (Dmd) functions .... 217
- Fail function .... 218
- Xtra menu functions .... 219
- Ask function .... 222
- Beep function .... 223
- Clear all data function .... 224
- Clear data function .... 224
- ClrTrig, SetTrig and user defined events .... 225
- OnEvent function .... 226
- DateStr function .... 228
- TimeStr function .... 228
- Time function .... 229
- Din and DinBin function .... 230
- Din .... 230
- DinBin .... 232
- Dout and DoutBin function .... 233
- Dout .... 233
- DoutBin .... 235
- Display function .... 237
- FnDefine, FnParam and FnCall functions .... 238
- Variable and Global functions .... 240
- Variables .... 240
- Globals .... 242
- Loop function .... 243
- Remark function .... 244
- HwDmn and HwDmx functions .... 245
- RsetDyn function .... 245
- HwLx function .... 246
- Lookup and data lookup .... 247
- Master function .... 250
- MaxIndex and MinIndex functions .... 251
- PartNo function .... 252
- Preset function .... 253
- Recall function .... 254
- Relay function .... 255
- Report function .... 257
- Scan function .... 258
- Send function .... 263
- SendMsg function .... 264
- SendRec function .... 265
- SetColor function .... 266
- Setup function .... 267
- Xlatch function .... 268
- Dimensions .... 272
- Overview
- Switching on the ND 2100G
- Switching off the ND 2100G
- Dimension keys
- Screen navigation
- Home screen
- DRO screen
- View soft keys and screens
- View soft keys for subgroups of one
- Dimension graphs for SPC subgroups of one
- Dimension histograms for SPC subgroups of one
- Bar and dial current value displays
- Dimension data tables for SPC subgroups of one
- View soft keys for subgroups greater than one
- Dimension x charts for subgroups greater than one
- Dimension r charts for subgroups greater than one
- Dimension data tables for subgroups greater than one
- in/mm menu items
- Master menu items and screens
- Menu soft keys
- Select a part to begin a measurement
- Establish a reference for the measurement
- Calibration groups (G1, G2, G3...G18)
- Calibrations of transducer resolution (Min-Max calibrations)
- Establishing a temporary dimension reference
- Conducting measurements
- Reviewing measurements
- Printing reports or sending results to a computer
- Items included with the ND 2100G
- Optional items possibly included
- Repackaging the ND 2100G
- Assembling the mounting stand
- Connecting power
- Connecting channel inputs
- Connecting a computer
- Connecting headphones and USB printer
- Connecting an optional foot switch or remote keypad
- Setup menu
- Accessing and navigating the Setup menu
- Entering data into setup fields
- Deleting data entries
- Entering setup parameters
- Leaving the Setup menu
- Printing ND 2100G setup configurations
- Saving or loading ND 2100G configurations
- Minimum setup requirements
- Setup screens
- About setup screen
- Dimensions setup screen
- Formats setup screen
- Formulas setup screen
- Variables setup screen
- Tolerances setup screen
- SPC setup screen
- Header setup screen
- Memory setup screen
- S labels setup screen
- S formulas setup screen
- Globals setup screen
- Channels setup screen
- Specifying the input channel
- Selecting the channel input type
- Specifying input channel setup parameters
- Master link probe balancing
- Setting the resolution for the linked channels
- Specifying channel input resolution
- Specifying units of measure
- Reversing channel input polarity
- Specifying encoder reference marks
- Changing the machine zero position
- Enabling scale error notification
- Calibrating LVDT and HBT transducer gain
- Centering (nulling) LVDT and HBT transducers
- Selecting an external RS-232 channel
- Specifying an RS-232 input port
- EnDat 2.2 encoder interface
- Master setup screen
- SLEC setup screen
- SLEC setup procedure
- Display setup screen
- Report setup screen
- Report characters setup screen
- Send setup screen
- Send characters setup screen
- Parallel setup screen
- RS-232 setup screen
- USB setup screen
- Hot Keys setup screen
- Clock setup screen
- External edge setup screen (optional)
- Misc. setup screen
- Supervisor setup screen
- Introduction to formulas
- Constructing and editing formulas
- Formula functions
- Basic formula functions
- Advanced formula functions
- Commas (,)
- Semicolon (;)
- Logical and control
- Din
- Dout
- MinIndex and MaxIndex
- RsetDyn
- If function
- Case function
- Minimum (min) and maximum (max) functions
- Average (avg) and median (md) functions
- Modulo (mod) function
- Sequence (seq) function
- Trip function and measurement automation
- Dynamic minimum (Dmn) and dynamic maximum (Dmx) functions
- Dynamic average (Davg) and dynamic median (Dmd) functions
- Fail function
- Xtra menu functions
- Ask function
- Beep function
- Clear all data function
- Clear data function
- ClrTrig, SetTrig and user defined events
- OnEvent function
- DateStr function
- TimeStr function
- Time function
- Din and DinBin function
- Din
- DinBin
- Dout and DoutBin function
- Dout
- DoutBin
- Display function
- FnDefine, FnParam and FnCall functions
- Variable and Global functions
- Variables
- Globals
- Loop function
- Remark function
- HwDmn and HwDmx functions
- RsetDyn function
- HwLx function
- Lookup and data lookup
- Master function
- MaxIndex and MinIndex functions
- PartNo function
- Preset function
- Recall function
- Relay function
- Report function
- Scan function
- Send function
- SendMsg function
- SendRec function
- SetColor function
- Setup function
- Xlatch function
- Dimensions