0x6099, Parameter setting & configuration homing mode – Lenze E94AxHE Technology Application CiA402 Device profile User Manual
Page 77
EDS94TA11010xxxx EN 1.2 - 03/2010
9400 Technology applications | CiA402 device profile
Parameter setting & configuration
Homing mode
0x6099 - Homing speeds
Index | Name:
0x6099 | Homing speeds
Data type: UNSIGNED_32
For the reference search two speeds can be parameterised to reduce homing time and increase accuracy:
Subindex Name
Speed during search for switch
Speed during search for zero
Index | Name:
0x6099/1 | Speed during search for switch
Data type: UNSIGNED_32
Code: C02644
Speed 1 which causes a quick approach of the limit switch/reference switch (depending on the mode selected).
• Direct mapping of the Lenze code C02644 (homing: speed 1).
Setting range
(min. value | unit | max. value)
Lenze setting
vel unit
2147483647 0 vel unit
Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP PDO_MAP_RX PDO_MAP_TX
Index | Name:
0x6099/2 | Speed during search for zero
Data type: UNSIGNED_32
Code: C02646
Speed 2 which causes the touch probe sensor to be approached slower (but more precisely) after reversing on the
limit switch/enabling the reference switch and the subsequent positioning to the target position.
• With "0" setting, the reference search is only executed with speed 1/acceleration 1.
• Direct mapping of the Lenze code C02646 (homing: speed 2).
Setting range
(min. value | unit | max. value)
Lenze setting
vel unit
2147483647 0 vel unit
Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP PDO_MAP_RX PDO_MAP_TX