0x60b8, Configuration: see control word – Lenze E94AxHE Technology Application CiA402 Device profile User Manual
Page 167

EDS94TA11010xxxx EN 1.2 - 03/2010
9400 Technology applications | CiA402 device profile
Parameter setting & configuration
Touch probe
0x60B8 - Touch probe function
Index | Name:
0x60B8 | Touch probe function
Data type: UNSIGNED_16
Control word for the configuration of the touch probe functionality
Value is bit-coded:
Bit 0 0: Deactivate touch probe 1
1: Activate touch probe 1
Configuration of the touch probe channel 1
Bit 1 0: Record first event only
1: Record all events
Bit 2 Source for touch probe 1
0: Digital input DI7
1: Zero pulse position encoder
Bit 3 Reserved
Bit 4 Evaluation of positive edge
0: Deactivate
1: Activate
Bit 5 Evaluation of negative edge
0: Deactivate
1: Activate
Bit 6 Sequence for edge evaluation if bit 4
and bit 5 = 1
0: -
1: Positive edge - negative edge
Bit 7 Sequence for edge evaluation if bit 4
and bit 5 = 1
0: -
1: Negative edge - positive edge
Bit 8 0: Deactivate touch probe 2
1: Activate touch probe 2
Configuration of touch probe channel 2
Bit 9 0: Record first event only
1: Record all events
Bit 10 Source for touch probe 2
0: Digital input DI8
1: Zero pulse position encoder
Bit 11 Reserved
Bit 12 Evaluation of positive edge
0: Deactivate
1: Activate
Bit 13 Evaluation of negative edge
0: Deactivate
1: Activate
Bit 14 Sequence for edge evaluation if bit
12 and bit 13 = 1
0: -
1: Positive edge - negative edge
Bit 15 Sequence for edge evaluation if bit
12 and bit 13 = 1
0: -
1: Negative edge - positive edge
Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP ; PDO_MAP_RX PDO_MAP_TX