2 parameter list, C03001 | ug min threshold, C03010 | max. telegram failure value – Lenze E94AxHE Technology Application CiA402 Device profile User Manual
Page 198: Parameter list, C03001, Rised in, C03002, Parameter reference parameter list

9400 Technology applications | CiA402 device profile
Parameter reference
Parameter list
EDS94TA11010xxxx EN 1.2 - 03/2010
Parameter list
In this chapter all parameters of the technology application "CiA402 device profile" are
listed in a numerically ascending order.
The parameters of the operating system (up to and including code C02999) are
described in the software documentation of 9400 HighLine.
The parameters of the standard function blocks used in the application (from
code C04000 on) are described in the software documentation of the 9400
function library.
Parameter | Name:
C03001 | UG min threshold
Data type: INTEGER_32
Index: 21574
= 5446
If the value falls below the threshold set here, the application error message "DC bus undervoltage" is triggered with
the default response "quick stop by trouble".
Setting range
(min. value | unit | max. value)
Lenze setting
100.00 0.00
Read access ; Write access CINH PLC STOP No transfer
Scaling factor: 100
Parameter | Name:
C03002 | Selection of limiter / safety interconnection
Data type: UNSIGNED_8
Index: 21573
= 5445
The connection between the "limiter" basic function and the safety module is useful for a single drive. In a safety
case, the drive will autonomously be turned into a "safe state". However, problems can occur in a drive system if
single axes carry out independent motion sequences which are not initiated by the control.
This parameter serves to select if the connection between the "limiter" basic function and the safety module should
be opened or closed (Lenze setting).
Selection list
(Lenze setting printed in bold)
0 LS_Limiter not connected
1 LS_Limiter connected
Read access ; Write access CINH PLC STOP No transfer
Scaling factor: 1
Parameter | Name:
C03010 | Max. telegram failure value
Data type: UNSIGNED_32
Index: 21565
= 543D
If the recognised telegram failures exceed the value set here, the application error message "telegram failure
maximum value exceeded" is triggered with the default response "information".
Setting range
(min. value | unit | max. value)
Lenze setting
1073741824 1
Read access ; Write access CINH PLC STOP No transfer
Scaling factor: 1