0x6071, 0x6072, 0x6073 – Lenze E94AxHE Technology Application CiA402 Device profile User Manual
Page 158: 0x6074, 0x6075, Object (target
9400 Technology applications | CiA402 device profile
Parameter setting & configuration
Cyclic synchronous torque mode (IEC 61800-7)
EDS94TA11010xxxx EN 1.2 - 03/2010
0x6071 - Target torque
0x6072 - Max. torque
0x6073 - Max. current
0x6074 - Torque demand value
0x6075 - Motor rated current
Index | Name:
0x6071 | Target torque
Data type: INTEGER_32
Setpoint for torque or torque feedforward control
• The object is internally limited to ±1073741824 (≡ ±100%).
• 2
≡ 100 % motor reference torque (C00057/2)
Setting range
(min. value | unit | max. value)
Lenze setting
2147483647 0 _n LENZE
Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP ; PDO_MAP_RX PDO_MAP_TX
Index | Name:
0x6072 | Max. torque
Data type: UNSIGNED_32
Maximum permissible torque (symmetrical setting)
• 16384 ≡ 100 %
Setting range
(min. value | unit | max. value)
Lenze setting
32767 32767 _a LENZE
Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP ; PDO_MAP_RX PDO_MAP_TX
Index | Name:
0x6073 | Max. current
Data type: UNSIGNED_32
Code: C00789
Maximum current (maximum overload current of the device)
• Direct mapping of the Lenze code C00789 (MCTRL_dwMaxDeviceCurrent).
Display area
(min. value | unit | max. value)
1/100 A
Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP PDO_MAP_RX PDO_MAP_TX
Index | Name:
0x6074 | Torque demand value
Data type: INTEGER_32
Interpolated torque setpoint
• 2
≡ 100 % motor reference torque (C00057/2)
Display area
(min. value | unit | max. value)
Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP PDO_MAP_RX PDO_MAP_TX
Index | Name:
0x6075 | Motor rated current
Data type: UNSIGNED_32
Code: C00088
Rated motor current
Setting range
(min. value | unit | max. value)
Lenze setting
1/100 A
150000 0 1/100 A
Read access ; Write access ; CINH PLC-STOP PDO_MAP_RX PDO_MAP_TX