Apple Macintosh LC User Manual

Page 62

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Selecting, moving, and copying

To do this: Follow these steps:

Select a group of icons Shift-click the icons (hold down the Shift key

while you click each icon you want to select).

Move an icon on a disk Drag the item to the location you want.

Duplicate a document 1. Click the document's icon.

2. Choose Duplicate from the File menu.

Make a copy of an 1. Choose Save As from the File menu.

open document 2. Type a name for the new copy of the


3. Click the Save button.

Copy icons onto a 1. Select the items you want to copy.

floppy disk 2. Drag the selected icons to the ##T##floppy

disk's icon or window.

To do this: Follow these steps:

Copy icons on 1. Select the items you want to copy.

a hard disk 2. Drag the selected icons to the hard disk's

icon or window.

Install an application 1. Check the program's documentation

program on a hard for special instructions.

disk 2. Drag the icons from the program's disk to the

hard disk. (Exception: never drag a System

Folder from a program disk to your hard


Copy the entire contents1. 1. Insert both floppy disks (or, if

of one floppy disk onto you have only one floppy drive,

another floppy disk insert one disk, eject it by using the Eject

command, and then place the second disk in

the disk drive).

2. Drag the icon for the source disk to the icon

for the destination disk.

Copy an entire floppy 1. Drag the icon for the floppy disk

disk onto a hard disk to the icon for the hard disk.

2. Click the OK button in the dialog box to place

the contents of the floppy disk in a folder on

the hard disk.

Organizing your desktop

To do this: Follow these steps:

Create a new folder 1. Choose New Folder from the File menu.

2. Type a name for the folder.

3. Press the Return key.

Open a folder in the 1. Click the name of the folder in the list.