Apple Macintosh LC User Manual
Page 36

last message disappears, the process is finished.
The disk icon appears on the desktop with its old name. If you like, you can
change the name by clicking the disk icon (to select it) and typing a new
From now on when you insert this disk into a disk drive, you will see its
icon on the desktop. This tells you that the disk is ready to use.
Ejecting a Disk from a Disk Drive
You eject a floppy disk from a disk drive when
- you're finished working with it
- you need to use a different floppy disk, and you have only one disk drive
Now you're going to eject the disk you just initialized.
1. Drag the disk icon to the Trash.
Make sure the tip of the arrow is on the Trash icon, and the Trash icon is
2. Release the mouse button.
The disk is ejected from the disk drive and its icon disappears from the
Dragging a disk icon to the Trash doesn't do anything to the contents of that
disk. The contents of the disk are perfectly safe. All that happens is that
the computer ejects the disk, and its icon disappears from the desktop.
If you wanted to eject the disk but keep its icon visible, you would instead
select the disk icon and choose the Eject command from the File menu.
Next Steps
This is the end of Chapter 5. The next page reviews what you have learned in
this chapter. Look over the review to reinforce what you have learned. If
you discover that you are unsure of any of the items covered, go back through
the pages in this chapter that discuss those items.
When you have done that, you can take a rest, or continue with the next
chapter to learn about the different ways to make copies of documents,
programs, and disks on the Macintosh.
This is a review of the skills taught in this chapter. If you are unsure of
any of the skills listed here, go to the page given at the right to review
those skills.
To do this: Follow these steps:
Distinguish 800K and 1. Look for the letters HD on the disk.
1.4 MB floppy disks 2. Check for two square holes at the
top of the disk. If the disk has