Apple Macintosh LC User Manual
Page 30

its original state by closing the document without first choosing the Save
command. Doing so simply closes the document, and any changes you've made
since the last time you saved the document will be undone.
Quitting an Application Program
Now you've practiced opening and closing documents, and you've seen the
importance of saving your work. Next you will practice quitting an
To close both a document and its associated program at the same time, you
need to choose the Quit command from the File menu.
You can also choose Quit if you find yourself in a program but not in any
particular document, as you did in the previous section.
You can see how this works by quitting the TeachText program.
- Choose Quit from the File menu.
Your TeachText document closes, and the TeachText menus and screen are
replaced by the familiar Finder desktop and menus.
In summary, whenever you are finished working with an application and you
want to go back to the desktop, simply choose Save to save the latest changes
to your document, and then choose Quit to return to the Finder desktop.
Next Steps
This is the end of Chapter 4. The next section reviews what you have learned
in this chapter. Look over the review to reinforce what you have learned. If
you discover that you are unsure of any of the items covered, go back through
the pages in this chapter that discuss those items.
When you have done that, you can take a rest, or continue with the next
chapter to learn about the different kinds of disks your Macintosh uses, and
how to prepare disks that you can use to store your own documents.
This is a review of the skills taught in this chapter. If you are unsure of
any of the skills listed here, go to the page given at the right to review
those skills.
To do this: Follow these steps:
Start up the computer 1. Insert a floppy startup disk
(if you don't have a hard disk).
2. Press the top of the on/off switch.
Open an application 1. Click the icon for the
program application.
2. Choose the Open command
from the File menu.