Apple Macintosh LC User Manual

Page 41

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6. Choose Quit from the File menu.

Quitting takes you back to the Finder desktop, where you see icons for all

three documents:

- the original Camping Ad

- the Wednesday Ad you made by duplicating the Camping Ad

- the Friday Ad you made by saving changes to the Wednesday Ad as a new

document with a new name

Copying items onto a floppy disk

So far you have practiced two methods of making copies of documents on a

disk: duplicating the document by selecting the document and using the

Duplicate command in the Finder, and saving the document with a new name by

using an application program's Save As command.

Another kind of copying you can do is to copy items from one disk onto


You'll often want to copy a document from your hard disk onto a floppy disk,

or from one floppy disk onto another, so you can

- give the disk to someone else who may want to work on the document

- take the document to another location and work on it there

- protect your work by storing the copy (also called a backup) in a safe


It's important to back up your work regularly. A backup copy of a document is

insurance against damage to the original. Taking a few seconds to back up a

valuable document can save you much despair and many hours of extra work.

The actual steps involved in copying a document from one disk to another are

very simple: you simply drag the icon for the item you want to copy to the

icon for the disk you want the copy on.

The only tricky part is that in order to drag an icon from one disk to

another, you need to be able to see the icons for both disks on your desktop.

That is easy if you are working with two disk drives (either one hard drive

and one floppy drive, or two floppy drives). You simply insert the second

disk in the empty disk drive and the icon appears. But if you have only one

floppy disk drive and you want to copy from one floppy onto another, you need

to eject the disk you are copying from in order to make room for the disk you

want to copy onto.

If you have only one floppy disk drive, when you copy documents from one

floppy disk to another, the Macintosh will ask you to eject one floppy disk

in order to make room for the other once or twice while copying the document.

When this happens, simply follow the directions that appear on your screen.

Follow these steps to copy the Camping Ad document from one disk to another.

1. Make sure the System Startup disk is open with its window visible on your
