Apple Macintosh LC User Manual

Page 111

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Locking and unlocking documents

You use the Get Info command to lock or unlock a document, whether on a

floppy disk or a hard disk.

1. Select the icon of the document you want to lock.

2. Choose Get Info from the File menu.

The Info window appears.

3. Click the Locked box in the upper-right corner of the Info window to

change the status of the document.

When there is an "X" in the check box, the document is locked.

When the check box is empty, the document is unlocked.

4. Click the Info window's close box.

You can also use Get Info to lock a program (to prevent the program's being

erased, for example), but locking a program may affect its operation. If you

have a problem with a program you have locked, just unlock it.


The Macintosh system software includes several desk accessories and a

selection of type fonts. Independent manufacturers and user groups or

computer bulletin boards provide many additional fonts and desk accessories.

When you install the system software, a core set of fonts and desk

accessories is installed. You can add more desk accessories or fonts -- or

remove any of the ones already installed -- with the Font/DA Mover, another

part of the system software supplied with your Macintosh.

Fonts and desk accessories are installed in the System file of a startup

disk. Any font in the System file of the current startup disk is available to

you in any program that uses fonts. Any desk accessory is available from the

Apple menu whether you are working on the desktop or in a program.

In addition, you can store extra fonts or desk accessories in separate files

-- called fonts files and desk accessories files -- which are represented by

a suitcase icon. These files can be used to transfer fonts and desk

accessories from the system file on one disk to the system file on another

disk. They can also be used to store fonts and desk accessories that you do

not want to install (to save disk space on a startup disk) but want to keep a

copy of for later use.

Fonts and desk accessories stored in these suitcase files are not available

for use until you install them in the System file on each of your startup


Installing a font or desk accessory

You can easily install one or more new fonts or desk accessories in the

System file of a startup disk. (If you use floppy startup disks, you may be

somewhat limited by disk capacity.)