Apple Macintosh LC User Manual
Page 42

If it is not open, open it now.
2. If your computer has only one floppy disk drive (one slot to insert
disks), eject the System Startup disk. If you have two floppy disk drives,
skip to step 3.
Here's how to eject a disk:
- If it is not already selected, click the System Startup disk icon to select
- Choose Eject from the File menu
- When the disk pops out of the drive remove it from the computer.
3. Insert a blank floppy disk into a disk drive.
You can use the disk you prepared in Chapter 5. Or, if you haven't already
prepared a disk for use, you can do so now by following the instructions in
Chapter 5.
You can use any empty disk drive as long as you remember not to put a 1.4 MB
disk into an 800K drive. Your internal floppy disk drive is a 1.4 MB drive.
4. Find the Camping Ad icon in the System Startup disk directory window.
You may need to open the System Startup disk icon.
If you have only one disk drive on your computer, the computer may
occasionally eject a disk and ask you to insert another disk. If this
happens, simply follow the directions on the screen and then continue with
the steps in this book.
5. Drag the Camping Ad icon to the floppy disk icon (not the System Startup
disk icon).
Here's how:
- Position the pointer over the Camping Ad icon.
- Press and hold the mouse button.
- Drag the Camping Ad icon to the floppy disk icon.
- When the tip of the pointer is on the floppy disk icon, the disk icon
becomes highlighted. When this happens, stop moving the mouse and release the
mouse button.
The floppy disk icon becomes highlighted to let you know that you have "hit
the target." When you release the mouse button, the Macintosh begins placing
a copy of the Camping Ad document on the floppy disk. The original Camping Ad
is still on the System Startup disk.
If you have only one floppy disk drive, the computer may eject one disk and
ask you to insert another. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete
the copy.
If you wanted to copy additional items onto the floppy disk, you would simply