Apple Macintosh LC User Manual

Page 127

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3. If you have more than one monitor, click the icon of the monitor for

which you want to specify the number of colors or shades of gray.

The selected monitor becomes highlighted.

4. Click the Grays or the Colors button to specify the characteristics of

the selected monitor.

5. Click the number of colors or shades of gray you want displayed on the

selected monitor.

The number of colors or shades of gray you specified remains in effect until

you change it.

Changing the highlight color

You can change the color of the highlight on your screen, using the Color

section of the Control Panel and the color wheel dialog box.

To change the highlight color, there must be four or more colors or shades of

gray selected in the Monitors Control Panel.

1. To change the highlight color, first choose Control Panel from the Apple


The Control Panel opens with the General section displayed.

2. Scroll if necessary to locate the Color icon, then click it to display

the Color section.

The Color section of the Control Panel appears, showing an example of the

current highlight color. The pointer becomes a crosshair when you place it in

the color changing area.

3. Click the Change Color button to display the color wheel dialog box.

The color wheel dialog box opens, showing the current highlight color and


4. If you want to, change the brightness of the color wheel by dragging the

scroll box up or down.

Scrolling up makes the color wheel brighter; scrolling down makes it darker.

5. Place the pointer on the color wheel and click to select a new color or

shade of gray.

The pointer is circular when it is on the color wheel.

The new color or shade of gray is displayed in the top half of the square at

the upper left of the dialog box. The current highlight color or shade

remains in the bottom half of the square for comparison.

6. To experiment with other highlight colors or shades, drag the pointer

around the color wheel or click at another point on the wheel.

A new color or shade is displayed in the upper half of the square as you drag

or each time you click.