Apple Macintosh LC User Manual

Page 23

background image

of the ad.

There's your first document.

Saving Your Document

So far in this chapter you have started up your computer, opened the

TeachText application program, and typed a brief letter onto the blank

TeachText document that appeared. Now you will learn to save your document on

a disk.

1.To save your document, choose Save from the File menu.

The box that appears on the screen after you choose the command is called a

dialog box. When you see a dialog box it means that the computer needs to

have a dialog with you -- that is, it provides you with a set of options or

questions, and you choose from those options or answer the questions. You

provide the necessary information by clicking buttons and, in some dialog

boxes, typing in the spaces provided.

This particular dialog box, called a directory dialog box, allows you to name

your document and to store it on any disk and in any folder you please.

2.Type Camping Ad in the text box.

The box is already highlighted for you, so all you have to do is start

typing. Whenever text is highlighted, you don't have to click before you

start typing.

3.Click the Save button.

Your document, with the name you just gave it, is saved on the System Startup

disk. You can now see the document's name in the title bar of the window

What's Going on Here?

Saving a document

When you opened TeachText and typed your letter, you created a document that

existed only in the computer's memory. That is, it existed only in a

temporary, electronic state and would be erased if the computer were turned

off. When you chose the Save command, you told the computer to store the

document on a disk so that it would not be lost when you quit working and

shut off the computer.

When you choose the Save command, the computer writes the document onto the

disk (like a tape recorder saves music on tapes). That way, when you quit

working, shut down the computer, and then come back later, your document will

still be there, stored on your disk.

4.Choose the Quit command from the File menu.

The TeachText document closes, and you are taken out of TeachText and back to

the familiar Macintosh desktop.