Apple Macintosh LC User Manual
Page 28

Two clues can help you figure out where you are:
-There are no icons in sight. If you were back in the Finder, you'd see icons
representing your disks and the Trash, as well as any windows that were open
when you began working.
-The menu bar at the top of the screen contains the menu titles for the
TeachText program, but not for the Finder.
The document you were working on is now closed, but the TeachText application
program is still open.
If you wanted to start a new TeachText document, you could choose New from
the File menu, and a new Untitled window would appear on the screen. (Don't
try this now.)
Opening a Document from Inside an Application Program
You saw earlier that you can open a document by opening its icon from the
Finder desktop. You can also open a document from inside the application
program that created the document. Since the TeachText application is open
you can try it now.
1.Choose the Open command from the File menu.
A dialog box appears that looks much like the one you saw earlier when you
saved your document.
A list on the left shows you all the documents and folders you can open.
2.Select the document "Camping Ad" by clicking its name in the list.
If Camping Ad is already highlighted (surrounded by the black bar), you can
skip this step.
3. Click the button labeled Open.
The computer reads the document from the disk, and your document opens.
Closing Without Saving Changes
Now that you have your document open again, try this experiment:
1. Delete the first sentence in your document.
In case you need a reminder, here's how:
- Place the I-beam before the first letter in the document.
- Drag across (and down, if necessary) until the entire sentence is
surrounded by black.
- Release the mouse button.
- Press the Delete key.