Displaying vlan information – Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Platform and Layer 2 Switching Configuration Guide User Manual
Page 423

An error message is displayed while attempting to configure an existing dual-mode on a port range.
Port 1/1/6 has already been configured as dual mode on VLAN 20
Port 1/1/7 has already been configured as dual mode on VLAN 20
Port 1/1/8 has already been configured as dual mode on VLAN 20
Port 1/1/9 has already been configured as dual mode on VLAN 1
• If you do not specify a vlan-id in the dual mode command, the port default VLAN is set to 1. The port
transmits untagged traffic on the DEFAULT-VLAN.
• The dual-mode feature is disabled by default. Only tagged ports can be configured as dual-mode
• In trunk group, either all of the ports must be dual-mode, or none of them can be.
The show vlan command displays a separate row for dual-mode ports on each VLAN.
device# show vlan
Total PORT-VLAN entries: 3
Maximum PORT-VLAN entries: 16
legend: [S=Slot]
PORT-VLAN 1, Name DEFAULT-VLAN, Priority level0, Spanning tree Off
Untagged Ports: (S1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Untagged Ports: (S2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Untagged Ports: (S2) 20 21 22 23 24
Tagged Ports: None
Uplink Ports: None
DualMode Ports: None
PORT-VLAN 10, Name [None], Priority level0, Spanning tree Off
Untagged Ports: (S2) 10
Tagged Ports: None
Uplink Ports: None
DualMode Ports: (S2) 11
PORT-VLAN 20, Name [None], Priority level0, Spanning tree Off
Untagged Ports: None
Tagged Ports: (S2) 9
Uplink Ports: None
DualMode Ports: (S2) 11
Displaying VLAN information
After you configure the VLANs, you can verify the configuration using the show commands described in
this section.
If a VLAN name begins with "GVRP_VLAN_", the VLAN was created by the GARP VLAN Registration
Protocol (GVRP). If a VLAN name begins with "STATIC_VLAN_", the VLAN was created by GVRP and
then was converted into a statically configured VLAN.
Displaying VLAN information
FastIron Ethernet Switch Platform and Layer 2 Switching Configuration Guide