10ć27 – Rockwell Automation 2711 PANELBUILDER SOFTWARE USER MANUAL User Manual
Page 292

The Objects
Chapter 10
The Set Value Button supports binary, BCD and signed integer data types.
This object does not support a separate sign bit, decimal point, or scaling.
The data type together with the number of bits assigned determines the
range of PLC values. However, PanelBuilder only allows the user to enter
an 8-digit positive number. The following table shows the data types and
their respective ranges:
Table 10.F
Set Value Button Data Types and Values
This data type:
Supports this range of values:
0 - 65,535
0 - 99,999,999
Signed Integer
0 - 32,767
At the terminal, if the control value is too large, an error message will be
displayed; the number will not be sent to the PLC controller.
IMPORTANT: The Set Value Button is a retentive object. Your
PanelView terminal will retain the current value for the button setting even
after you’ve turned the terminal off, or switched to Configuration mode
and back to Run mode. A preset value can be assigned to the Set Value
Button, and can be changed using PanelBuilder software.
Increment Value Button
The Increment Value Button increases the value at the assigned PLC input
address (the Button Control Address) each time the button is pressed. Use
this object to allow an operator to add a value to the current value by
pressing the button. You can set an upper limit for the PLC controller, a
positive integer, 0 to 99,999,999.
The Increment Value Button supports binary, BCD and signed integer data
types for the upper limit. This object does not support a separate sign bit or
decimal point, or scaling. Although PanelBuilder allows the user to enter a
positive 8-digit maximum value, the data type together with the number of
bits assigned determines the range of PLC values. The following table
shows the different data types and their respective ranges: