1ć11 – Rockwell Automation 2711 PANELBUILDER SOFTWARE USER MANUAL User Manual
Page 25
Introduction to PanelBuilder
Chapter 1
PLC Controlled Alarm Quantity/Accum Time Reset allows the PLC
controller to reset the alarm count and the accumulated time in-alarm
total. These totals are shown in the Alarm Status screen.
PLC Controlled Screen Number allows the PLC controller to control
which screen is displayed. When the PLC controller puts a screen
number in an assigned address, PanelView displays the screen. This
PLC controlled screen change always has precedence over
operator-controlled screen changes, and operator-generated screen
changes are only allowed if the PLC address contains 0.
PLC Controlled Screen Print allows the PLC controller to trigger a
printout of the screen displayed on the PanelView terminal.
PLC Controlled Time and Date allows the PanelView terminal to read
the time and date from the PLC controller and set its internal clock.
PLC Controlled Clear Window clears the alarm window, the alarm
beeper and the alarm relay when a 0 to 1 transition is detected in the
assigned PLC address bit.
PLC Controlled Silence Alarms silences the beeper and deactivates
the alarm relay when a 0 to 1 transition is detected on this bit.
PanelView terminals can be connected to any Allen-Bradley 1771 Remote
I/O Link. Applicable host controllers include almost all Allen-Bradley
Programmable Logic Controllers as well as certain IBM computers, VME
Controllers, and the DEC Q-Bus interface.
Newly released Allen-Bradley programmable controllers that are not yet
listed will support PanelView terminals, as long as they support the 1771
remote I/O link.
The PanelView terminal appears as one or more I/O rack(s) to a
programmable controller. It has the same configurability—and more—as a
standard I/O rack. Refer to your applicable Allen-Bradley Programmable
Controller and Remote I/O Scanner user’s manuals for various connection
and remote I/O configuration limitations. Chapter 4, Planning Your
Application, describes how to determine rack numbers, sizes, etc.
Applicable Programmable
Controllers and Connections