Objects for the keypad terminal – Rockwell Automation 2711 PANELBUILDER SOFTWARE USER MANUAL User Manual

Page 23

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Introduction to PanelBuilder

Chapter 1


Local Message Display can be defined as a rectangular area of any size,

and placed in any location on the PanelView screen. A PLC control
address is assigned to the object, allowing the PLC controller to trigger
any one of up to 875 local messages to appear in this area.

ASCII Display is used to display a character string, sent from the PLC

controller, directly on the PanelView terminal. The display is updated
whenever the string changes.

ASCII Input objects are on-screen keyboards which allow you to create

a text string and send it to the PLC controller.

Scrolling List object is an extended and enhanced control list

selector/list indicator that is not limited by the number of lines on the
screen. The Scrolling List object can consist of any combination of local
message display, multi-state indicator, and numeric display lists, with up
to 999 items in each list. The Scrolling List object reduces PLC ladder
logic and addressing typically needed to display and edit large amounts
of data.

The Scrolling List object can be used to control and monitor sequential
operations in both auto and manual modes or to provide operators with a
selection list.

The following objects can be displayed only on a Keypad terminal:

Numeric Input Cursor Point consists of a numeric display and a

cursor character. This object can be used to enter numbers into an array
of numeric fields similar to an array of thumb-wheel switches on a
control panel. This object has an associated PLC input address in which
the value is communicated to the PLC controller.

Numeric Keypad-Enable Button pops up the Numeric Entry

Scratchpad in which the operator can enter a number. The number is
then stored in the specified PLC input address.

Screen Keypad-Enable Button pops up the Numeric Entry Scratchpad

in which the operator can enter a screen number. The screen with that
number is displayed.

Set Bit Cursor Point consists of a bit and a cursor character. This

object is used to “point” to a screen character. Several set bit cursor
points can be in the same screen. Each one can have a different (user
defined) pointer; only the current pointer is visible and blinking. The
current cursor point’s input bit is always on, so the PLC controller
always “knows” the current selection.

Objects for the Keypad
