10ć14 – Rockwell Automation 2711 PANELBUILDER SOFTWARE USER MANUAL User Manual
Page 279

The Objects
Chapter 10
Use Buttons in the Object Menu to configure the Up Cursor and Down
Cursor buttons. To save screen space you can disable either the Up Cursor
or the Down Cursor button (but not both). A button that has been disabled
doesn’t appear on the screen.
ATTENTION: Do not use the Control List Selector Without
Enter to initiate a control function.
Set Bit Cursor Points (Keypad terminals only)
The Set Bit Cursor Point object allows the operator to select from a list or
an array of objects. Associated with each Cursor Point is a unique PLC
input bit addressed by the Cursor Point Address. To use the Cursor Points,
the operator must press the Select button on the PanelView terminal
enabling the arrow and Home keys. The arrow keys are used to move to
the desired cursor point on the terminal display. The Home key moves the
cursor to the home position (the cursor position at the top left of the
The selected cursor point’s character will be highlighted and will blink; the
PLC input bit will be set to 1. To turn the Cursor Point feature off again,
and disable the keys, the operator must press the Cancel button on the
PanelView terminal.
Here’s an example of how you might use Set Bit Cursor Points. You want
to monitor all the motors on a conveyor belt. You could draw a line to
represent the belt, and then place set-bit cursor points pointing to each
motor along the belt. Then you’d program the PLC controller so that when
you display this screen on a PanelView terminal, you could cursor to the
desired motor and see its status displayed in a Local Message Display or
multi-state indicator on that screen.
IMPORTANT: The Set Bit Cursor Point values are not changed when the
cursor point feature is cancelled. The last bit selected remains on.
Using PanelBuilder, you place successive Set Bit cursor points above,
below, or beside existing cursor points (any distance apart). Use the row
and column indicators at the top right of the monitor to make sure the
cursor points line up: there will be no warning if the cursor points don’t
line up.
IMPORTANT: If the cursor points aren’t properly lined up, the Set Bit
cursor points may not work as expected when the application file is
downloaded to the terminal.