Rockwell Automation 2711 PANELBUILDER SOFTWARE USER MANUAL User Manual
Page 280
The Objects
Chapter 10
When you create the screen in PanelBuilder, all cursor points are visible.
However, when you display the screen on a PanelView terminal, only one
cursor point will be visible and blinking and, on a monochrome screen, in
high intensity.
Cursor Point Default Operation
When a screen is selected for the first time after a download, the
PanelView terminal scans all Set Bit and Numeric Input Cursor Point
objects in the screen from left to right, top to bottom. The first Set Bit
Cursor Point object with a PLC bit set to 1 will be selected as the
active Cursor Point for that screen.
If none are found, the PanelView terminal selects the Cursor Point
object nearest the home position of the screen as the active cursor
point object for that screen. If this is a Set Bit Cursor Point, its PLC
bit will be set to 1.
All other Set Bit Cursor Point objects in the selected screen have their
PLC bits reset to 0. All other numeric cursor point objects remain
ATTENTION: In Version 1 all other Cursor Point objects in the
current screen were not reset in certain cases—making it
possible to have more than one Cursor Point active on a screen.
When the screen is selected, and the Transfer Current Screen to PLC
Controller option is enabled, both the new screen number and the new
Cursor Point values will be transferred to the PLC controller in the
same PLC scan.
Retained Set Bit Cursor Point Default Operation
When a screen is re-selected, the active Set Bit Cursor Point object is
the Set Bit Cursor Point object active when the screen was last active.
The PLC bit associated with this object will be set to 1.
All other Set Bit Cursor Point objects in the selected screen have their
PLC bits reset to 0.