Setup overview – DAVIS FMS 3.9.3 DriveRight (8186) User Manual

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DriveRight FMS Help

Note: The conversion process can take a long time depending on the size of your 2.x database.
You can interrupt the conversion at any time by clicking the stop button, but this is not


All the 2.x data has been converted into the new database format for DriveRight FMS.


Go to DriveRight FMS and view various tables using the Database Menu commands to

make sure the data has been converted properly.

Back to

Getting Started



Getting Started


Quick Reference


Menu Commands



Setup Overview

The initial setup of your DriveRight FMS consists of the following operations:

1. Select and Install Database

Before you run the software for the very first time you will need to select the database to be used
with DriveRight FMS. Refer to the Database Selection Guide for information on choosing and
installing a database.

If you select MS Access, DriveRight FMS will install the necessary components during the FMS
installation. If you select MySQL, MSDE, MS SQL Server, or Oracle, you will need to install and
configure the database before installing DriveRight FMS. See

Database Selection Guidelines


more information.

2. Install DriveRight FMS

Insert the DriveRight FMS CD and follow instructions.

3. Initial Program Configuration when you first run DriveRight FMS.

Refer to the DriveRight FMS Getting Started Guide for initial program configuration information.

4. Install the drivers for accessories you want to use.

Install drivers for the

SmartCard Desktop Reader


wireless devices

if you want to use them.

Refer to the DriveRight FMS Getting Started Guide for instructions on installing the accessory
drivers. See

Wireless Device Communication Problems

for help with installing or re-installing your

wireless device driver. See

SmartCard Reader Device Communication Problems

for help with

installing or re-installing your SmartCard Desktop Reader Device driver.

5. Converting DriveRight 2.04, 2.05 & 2.06 Databases

If you have a DriveRight database created using version 2.04, 2.05, or 2.06 of the DriveRight
Vehicle Management Software, it needs to be converted for use with DriveRight FMS. Click this
link to display a help window that explains how to convert these databases (

Convert Database


6. DriveRight FMS Software Setup

Check the following configuration preferences and make any necessary changes: