DAVIS FMS 3.9.3 DriveRight (8186) User Manual
Page 217

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Use Readiness Codes from the Database menu to view the readiness codes logged by a
CarChip. A readiness code is used to indicate whether or not monitored emissions control
systems have been tested by the OBDII system. Each emissions control system has its own
monitor and related code. Some emission control components are tested continuously
throughout a trip and others are tested intermittently when predetermined operating conditions
are met.
Note: The Readiness Code database table and resulting data is only logged by a CarChip device
at the beginning of a trip. The readiness code database displays readiness codes from the last
recorded trip for every CarChip and assigned vehicle in the database. One readiness code record
is available for each assigned vehicle.
To view the Readiness Code data:
1. Select
Readiness Codes from the Database menu. The
Filter For Readiness Codes
dialog box is displayed.
Select your desired filter options.
3. Click
OK to view the Readiness Code database table or click Cancel to exit the dialog
box without opening the database table. The
Readiness Code
database table displays the eleven
possible readiness codes, whether or not the readiness code is supported for the vehicle and if
the readiness monitor completed or did not complete a test at the time the readiness code
monitors were recorded (usually at time of vehicle start-up) for each of the available readiness
The monitored readiness codes are:
Heated Catalyst
Evaporative System
Secondary Air System
A/C System Refrigerant
Oxygen Sensor
Oxygen Sensor Header
EGR System
Fuel System
Comprehensive Component
Not all eleven monitors displayed on the list may be supported, or monitored by your vehicle's
systems. If "Not Supported" displays in the supported column, it simply means that the monitor
does not exist or is not be monitored by your vehicle. See your vehicle's manual or supporting
documentation for emission monitors that your vehicle does support.
The Status column displays "Complete" or "Not Complete" for the readiness codes that are
supported in your vehicle and "--" for all the readiness codes that are not supported. A
"Complete" means a test of that emissions monitor was completed at the time of CarChip
recorded the readiness codes. A "Not Complete" could mean that the OBD system has not yet
completed testing of that component or system or that a component failure may exist, but has not
been identified because system testing has not been complete. Most states allow for two unset
readiness codes during OBD or smog check testing. If three or more unset, non-continuous
codes are present, vehicle may be deemed as "Unable to complete OBD Testing". See your
state's rules and regulations for more details.