Security settings - smartcard, Security settings – DAVIS FMS 3.9.3 DriveRight (8186) User Manual
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DriveRight FMS Help
Security Settings - SmartCard
Use this command to create security settings for the specified DriveRight.
To set security settings:
To select the identification settings:
1. Select Transfer to DriveRight from the SmartCard Menu.
2. Select Settings from the Transfer to DriveRight submenu. The Review Settings for
SmartCard dialog box is displayed.
3. Select the Security Settings Tab near the top of the dialog box.
4. Set the Pin Code, which is required to set the calibration and alarm settings on the
DriveRight device.
5. If desired, you can enable the tamper indicator. If enabled, the tamper indicator on the
DriveRight LCD screen will be displayed when a tamper event has been detected.
6. If desired, you can disable Login from the console so that a driver can log into the device
using only the SmartCard. Check the Disable Login on Console box to disable console
Login. This application is available for DriveRight 600
devices only.
7. Click
Set to save the settings, click Cancel to exit without saving the settings, or click on
another tab to make additional changes to the DriveRight settings.
See Also: