Export: gps to mappoint – DAVIS FMS 3.9.3 DriveRight (8186) User Manual

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DriveRight FMS User's manual

3. In


FTP Host Name box, type the name of the FTP server to which you want to export

the database tables.


Enter your user name and password in the appropriate boxes. To access the FTP site

you must have a user account on the FTP site.


Enter a specific directory path in the FTP server to which to export your files in the

Remote Path box


Enter a port number in the Port box. The default port for the FTP site is 21. Use the

default port unless the FTP site listens on a different port.

7. Click

Use Passive Mode if the FTP site uses passive mode. The default connection to

the FTP site is active mode. Some FTP sites allow only passive mode connections. Check the
Passive Mode check box in that case. For details, contact your system administrator.


Select the database tables to be exported by clicking the box for each table. Click a

second time to de-select the table.

9. Select


Export data between box to specify the time interval you want to export. The

default start date for the interval is the date of the last export. The default end date is the current
date. You can change the start and end dates as required. If you have exported data previously,
the last date of export is displayed in the dialog box.

10. Click

Export once you are done with the above steps or click Cancel to exit without

exporting data. The program creates a sub-directory with your current location name on the FTP
site, if it doesn't already exist, and then exports a ZIP file to the sub-directory. The default name
for the export ZIP file is "day" + "month" + "year".zip (

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Export Menu



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Export: GPS to MapPoint

Note: This feature is only enabled if you have chosen MapPoint as your mapping tool. This
feature is not supported in Google Maps


or Google Earth



To export GPS data:

1. Go


File > Export.



GPS to MapPoint in the drop-down Export menu.

The GPS Fields dialog box displays.