Lchromatogram re-integration area – Yokogawa GC8000 Process Gas Chromatograph User Manual
Page 85

<4. Display and Operations while Connected to GC8000>
IM 11B06C01-01E
Chromatogram re-integration area
Re-integration button
Individual peak data area
Analysis result list
Chromatogram information
Figure 4.44
Chromatogram re-integration area (external third)
1) Chromatogram information
Displays the analysis start time, stream number, and detector number of chromatogram to
be re-integrated.
The location of the parameter file can also be specified. If it is acquired from GC8000 while it
is currently communicating, “Online” is displayed.
2) Analysis result list
Displays the list of analysis results corresponding to chromatogram to be re-integrated.
Displayed in the list are relative peak number, peak name (unit), concentration, and
retention time.
By clicking a peak in the list, you can select the peak to be re-integrated. The peak
information currently selected is highlighted in cyan.
3) Individual peak data area
Displays the current analysis results of the selected peak. Information required for re-
integration can be edited in this area.
Items to be displayed vary depending on the combination of the processing setting and the
concentration calculation setting.
4) Re-integration buttons
Re-integration button: Use this button to perform re-integration.
Update button: Use this button to apply the re-integration results. (The results are not saved
to a file)
Peak processing/transfer button: Use this button to transfer gate time and other data edited
in re-integration to the initial GC8000 database.
Result transfer button: Use this button to save the re-integration results to the chromatogram
file or analysis result file, and transfer them to PCAS or GC8000. However, the results
cannot be transferred unless you click the update button previously.
Cancel button: Use this button to discard the re-integration results and restore the status
before re-integration. If the update button was clicked previously, however, the status before
re-integration cannot be restored .
5th Edition : Nov. 16, 2011-00