Teledyne LeCroy WaveExpert 100H Operators Manual User Manual
Page 321
Wave Expert
First Example PlugIn - Exchanging Two Traces on the Grids
The example assumes that the instrument is in dual-grid mode, and that there are at least two
visible traces. The routine looks for the visible traces, in the order C1 . . . C4, F1 . . . . Fx The number
of math traces available depends on the software options loaded on your scope. See
Specifications., and it exchanges the first two it finds whenever the button is pressed. Note that
arrays of objects can be constructed, allowing numerous objects to be accessed in simple loops.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim wm As Object
Set wm = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamApplication")
Set acq = wm.Acquisition ' To save typing
Set mat = wm.Math ' To save typing
Dim t(16) As Object
‘ Create an array of objects to allow looping.
Set t(1) = acq.C1 : Set t(2) = acq.C2
Set t(3) = acq.C3 : Set t(4) = acq.C4
Set t(5) = mat.F1 : Set t(6) = mat.F2
Set t(7) = mat.F3 : Set t(8) = mat.F4
Set t(9) = mat.F5 : Set t(10) = mat.F6
Set t(11) = mat.F7 : Set t(12) = mat.F8
Dim trace As Integer
trace = 0: views = 0
' Exchange the traces on the grids.
trace = trace + 1
If t(trace).View = "True" Then
views = views + 1
If t(trace).UseGrid = "YT1" Then
t(trace).UseGrid = "YT2"
t(trace).UseGrid = "YT1"
End If
End If
Loop Until ((trace = 12) Or (views = 2))
' Show the parity of the last swap.
If Command1.Caption = "Swap A" Then
Command1.Caption = "Swap B"
Command1.Caption = "Swap A"
End If
Dim TextString As String
TextString = Text1.Text
Dim TextValue As Integer
TextValue = Val(TextString) + 1