Chapter 4. programming – IAI America S-SEL-E User Manual

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Chapter 4. Programming

ATN (Arctangent)

TAN (Tangent)

E x p a n s io n

c o n d itio n

( A N D · O R )

In p u t

c o n d itio n

( I/O · F la g )

C o m m a n d

P o s t

( O u tp u t p o r t · F la g )

C o m m a n d

O p e r a n d 1

O p e r a n d 2

O p tio n a l

O p tio n a l


V a r ia b le n o .

D a ta ·V a r ia b le n o .

O p tio n a l

E x p a n s io n

c o n d itio n

( A N D · O R )

In p u t

c o n d itio n

( I/O · F la g )

C o m m a n d

P o s t

( O u tp u t p o r t · F la g )

C o m m a n d

O p e r a n d 1

O p e r a n d 2

O p tio n a l

O p tio n a l


V a r ia b le n o .

D a ta ·V a r ia b le n o .

O p tio n a l


Stores the tangent (TAN) of the data in Operand 2 in the variable in Operand 1. Stores the tangent of the contents

in the variable in Operand 2 in the Operand 1 variable. If there is a post instruction (flag, output port), it turns
ON when the computation result is zero. (Be sure to input a real number variable 100~199 in Operand 1. This
is the same when placing a variable no. in Operand 2. The data in Operand 2 must be expressed in radians
instead of as an angle (degrees). A maximum of 7 digits can be input for the floating point.)





TAN 0.785398 (radian) is 1, and after performing the command, variable 100 becomes 1.




When the content of variable*101 in Operand 2 is 0.785398 (radian), then TAN 0.785398 (radian)
becomes 1, and after performing the command, variable 100 becomes 1.


Stores the arc tangent (ATN) of the data in Operand 2 in the variable in Operand 1. Stores the arc tangent of the

contents in the variable in Operand 2 in the Operand 1 variable. If there is a post instruction (flag, output port),
it turns ON when the computation result is zero. (Be sure to input a real number variable 100~199 in Operand
1. This is the same when placing a variable no. in Operand 2. The data in Operand 2 must be expressed in
radians instead of as an angle (degrees). A maximum of 7 digits can be input for the floating point.)





ATN 1 is 0.785398, and after performing the command, variable 100 becomes 0.785398.




When the content of variable*101 in Operand 2 is 1, then ATN1 becomes 0.785398, and after perform-
ing the command, variable 100 becomes 0.785398.

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