Add network hosts names for streaming – Grass Valley M-Series iVDR User Manual v.2.0.10 User Manual
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M-Series User Manual
20 April 2005
Chapter 1 Installing the M-Series iVDR
Ethernet network:
4. Add the IP address and host name of any other device on the video network that
supports the General Exchange Format (GXF).
5. Save the file and exit the text editor.
6. Reboot the iVDR.
7. Copy the new hosts file onto all the other iVDRs and networked devices to save
you editing it again.
NOTE: It is not required to set up a host file on the Profile XP Media Platform since
all transfers are initiated from the iVDR. The Profile XP Media Platform does not
need to resolve host names.
After configuring the host file, proceed to the next procedure,
Add network hosts names for streaming
You must add the host names of all peer iVDRs on the network that support streaming
transfers. Adding host names is required to allow selection of networked iVDRs in the
AppCenter user interface and to provide a successful network connection. The host
names added appear in the “Import” and “Send to” dialog boxes.
In addition, if you are using remote protocol to perform video network transfers,
you’ll need to assign a unique Controller ID number for each host name. If you are
not using remote protocol for network transfers, you can leave the Controller Id blank.
To add a network host name:
1. Start AppCenter, if it is not already running, using the desktop shortcut.
2. In AppCenter toolbar, select
, then choose
3. Select the
The network host names are displayed.