H3C Technologies H3C WX3000E Series Wireless Switches User Manual

Page 104

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[AC] local-user usera

[AC-luser-usera] group dot1x

[AC-luser-usera] password simple 1234

[AC-luser-usera] service-type lan-access

[AC-luser-usera] quit

# Configure the ISP domain to use local authentication and authorization.

[AC] domain mydomain

[AC-isp-mydomain] authentication lan-access local

[AC-isp-mydomain] authorization lan-access local

[AC-isp-mydomain] quit

# Configure an EAP profile, specifying to use EAP-MD5 for authentication.

[AC] eap-profile eapsvr

[AC-eap-prof-eapsvr] method md5

[AC-eap-prof-eapsvr] quit

# Configure the local EAP authentication server, specifying to use EAP profile eapsvr.

[AC] local-server authentication eap-profile eapsvr

# Enable port security globally.

[AC] port-security enable

# Specify the 802.1X authentication method.

[AC] dot1x authentication-method eap

# Create a WLAN interface and configure the port security mode as userLoginSecureExt.

[AC] interface wlan-ess 1

[AC-WLAN-ESS1] port-security port-mode userlogin-secure-ext

# Enable the key negotiation function for the port.

[AC-WLAN-ESS1] port-security tx-key-type 11key

# Disable the online user handshake function.

[AC-WLAN-ESS1] undo dot1x handshake

# Disable the 802.1X multicast trigger function.

[AC-WLAN-ESS1] undo dot1x multicast-trigger

# Configure the port to use mandatory authentication domain mydomain. Then, the AC will use the
authentication, authorization, and accounting methods of this domain for all users accessing this port.

This step is optional.

[AC-WLAN-ESS1] dot1x mandatory-domain mydomain

[AC-WLAN-ESS1] quit

# Create a WLAN service template, set the SSID to sectest, and bind the WLAN-ESS interface to the
service template.

[AC] wlan service-template 1 clear

[AC-wlan-st-1] ssid sectest

[AC-wlan-st-1] bind WLAN-ESS 1

[AC-wlan-st-1] authentication-method open-system

[AC-wlan-st-1] service-template enable


Verify the configuration

After the 802.1X user passes EAP authentication by using the username usera@mydomain and

password 1234 and logs in, execute the display connection command on the AC. You can see the user's