Xcon module, Xc2t module, Example of cross connections – Verilink XEL XSP-100 SHARK IAP (9SA-USRS-9.0R1.02) Product Manual User Manual

Page 76: Trunk processing configuration module -22, Xcon m, Odule, Xc2t m, Xample of, Ross, Onnections

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Chapter 5: Graphical User Interface (GUI/WEB) Configuration Pages

Chapter 5-22

XEL P/N & Release: 9SA-USRS-9.0R1.02

SHARK™ IAD User's Guide

would traverse from the time slots 5, 6, 10 and 12 of WAN module 1 to the
Voice 2 module for circuits 9 through 12.

The dash-dot-dot line:

• • • • indicates the path that a four DS0

connection would traverse from the time slots 15 through 18 of WAN
module 1 to the LAN module 1 time slots 13 through 16.

When you have all the cross connections entered, click on the save button. The
SHARK™ IAD will validate the cross connect matrix and will report any errors.
To correct any errors return to the home page and select the config button for the
XCON or XC2T module and then select the appropriate WAN or T1 page to
make the corrects on. Using the error report, proceed to correct the errors you
originally made in the cross connect configuration page. Resave the new
configuration by clicking on the save button of the cross connect page. Repeat
this process until the save returns without errors. When all your errors are
corrected and the Cross Connect page saves cleanly, proceed to Trunk Processing
Configuration Module to configure the trunk processing during a Carrier Group
Alarm (CGA). This is only completed for those connections that have T1 to T1
interface connections. Trunk processing configuration for voice cards is
completed on the voice card configuration page.









Use this module to program the SHARK™ IAD to correctly process the signaling
of a network trunk side. These parameters need to be programmed for every DS0
that passes from one T1 module through another T1 module.



When using the XCON module, two T1s from the Central Office can be
connected to T1 modules. The T1 circuits on the WAN-1 and WAN-2 may be
groomed, re-bundled and attached to a T1 network connected to T1 modules
installed in the SHARK™ IAD's LAN-1 and LAN-2 modules. Thus, creating the
possibility of 48 DS0s for which signaling parameters must be programmed. The
signaling choices are the same for each DS0.



Up to four T1s from the Central Office can be connected to T1 modules installed
in the SHARK™ IAD when using the XC2T module. There are two ports on the
XC2T module and one each on the WAN-1 and WAN-2 modules. These T1
circuits may be groomed, re-bundled and attached to a T1 network connected to
T1 modules installed in the SHARK™ IAD's LAN-1, LAN-2, WAN-1, WAN-2
and the T1 ports on the XC2T modules. Thus, creating the possibility of 96 DS0s
for which signaling parameters must be programmed. The signaling choices are
the same for each DS0.







The Trunk Processing configuration page needs to be completed any time a DS0
from a T1 is not connected to a voice module or TDM data pipe in the router
module. When a connection is made to a voice module the voice module
configuration page controls the trunk processing. Refer to Figure 55 on page 5-
58 and Figure 57 on page 5-60. When a cross connection is made to a TDM data
pipe the information is data, consequently, it does not require trunk processing.
Refer to Figure 15 for the following trunk processing requirements: