Alarm reporting of t1-1 or t1-2, Option, Dsx_line_build_out – Verilink XEL XSP-100 SHARK IAP (9SA-USRS-9.0R1.02) Product Manual User Manual
Page 172: Csu_line_build_out, Configure the cross connect, Select the xcon-if mode

Chapter 6: Using the Command Line Interface (CLI)
Chapter 6-56
XEL P/N & Release 9SA-USRS-9.0R1.02
SHARK™ IAD User’s Guide
SHARK010101000011> CONFIG
(top)>> XC2T
(XC2T)>> t1-1
(XC2T t1-1)>>
Specify the T1 circuit to be configured. Options are:
t1-1 –First of the two T1 circuits in the XC2T module in the XCON module
t1-2 –Second of the two T1 circuits in the XC2T module in the XCON
module position.
Alarm reporting of
T1-1 or T1-2
(XC2T)>>set XC2T t1-1 alarm-reporting param, where parameter = [ disable
| enable ]
• disable - to disable the reporting of the t1-n alarms in the XC2T module.
enable - to activate the t1-n alarms in the XC2T module.
(XC2T)>>set XC2T t1-1 option x x={dsx | csu }
Specifies which T1 4W WAN module interface to use. Options are:
dsx -Enables the DSX interface for this WAN module. The DSX interface is
used if an external CSU is in the T1 circuit. The CSU is the loopback point
for the 4W T1 line. When there is an external CSU in the line, follow the
dsx_line_build_out parameter optioning procedure below.
csu - Enables the CSU interface option for this WAN module. This means
that the T1 4W will interface with the WAN module's built in CSU. The
CSU interface is used when an external CSU is NOT in the T1 4W circuit.
The CSU is the loopback point for the 4W T1 line. When using the internal
CSU interface, follow the csu_line_build_out parameter optioning
procedure below.
(XC2T)>>set XC2T t1-1 dsx_line_build_out y
y={0-133 | 133-266 | 266-399 | 399-533 | 533-555 }
Specifies the DSX line build out in feet. DSX line build out is use to pre-
equalize the 4 W T1 connection towards a DSX crossconnect frame. Only used
when WAN option is set to “dsx”. This is also used when a T1 module is
inserted in a LAN slot creating a T1 LAN on the CPE side of the SHARK™
IAD. In this case, the T1 interface must be defined on the T1 LAN side also. In
either case, enter the option closest to the distance from the SHARK™ IAD to
the DSX frame or to other equipment, i.e. a CSU. Options are:
0-133 - for any distance from 0 to 133 feet.
133-266 - for any distance from 133 to 266 feet.
266-399 - for any distance from 266 to 399 feet.
399-533 - for any distance from 399 to 533 feet
533-555 - for any distance from 533 to 555 feet
(XC2T)>>set XC2T t1-1 csu_line_build_out w
w={0 | -7.5 |-15 | -22.5 }
Specifies the CSU line build out in decibels. CSU line build out is used to adjust
the 4 W T1 transmsit connection level from the SHARK™ IAD to the T1
demarcation when there is NOT a CSU already in the circuit. Only used when
WAN option is set to “csu”. Enter the option closest to the additional loss