Common terms used – Gasboy Atlas Start-up User Manual

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MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013

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Common Terms Used




Maximum amount of fuel that can be dispensed from a nozzle for a given transaction.

Cold Start

Clears pump and configuration data.

Command Code

Listing under Command Level for setting software parameters.

Command Level

A level of programming accessed by PIN(s).


A dispensing unit that relies on an Submersible Turbine Pump (STP) in the storage tank to
send fuel to the dispenser.

Diesel Exhaust Fluid

A clear, colorless, non-toxic, non-flammable, non-combustible liquid. It is made up of 32.5%
urea with the balance distilled or de-ionized water. Urea and water are completely miscible
and do not separate in storage. DEF is mildly corrosive.

Dual Hose

Same as Twin Hose.


Gasoline ethanol blend with 85% ethanol.

Five Button Preset

This is a keypad that contains five buttons on which the customer can enter a predetermined
value and/or increment or decrement in the selected sale or volume value, before fueling.

Function Code

One or more procedures within a Command Code.


Indicates the fuel grade available at the nozzle. In case of blender dispensers, a grade is
created by blending products.

Manager Keypad

Device within the dispenser for setting programming parameters.

Money Display

A display that shows the total value of the product dispensed during normal operation.

Option Code

A choice that is available on entering a Function Code.


Indicates the base fuel grade available in the storage tank. Not to be confused with “Grade”;
however, in a non-blending environment, a grade is the same as a product.

Prover Can

A calibrated container used by W&M officials and calibrating technicians to accurately check
or calibrate meters in a fuel dispenser.


Refers to a dispensing unit that has a self-contained suction pump in the unit’s cabinet.

Side 1

Indicates the electrical access side of the dispenser. The Manager Keypad is accessed from
Side 1 of the dispenser.


Proprietary communication system for Atlas 8800 series units


The variator section of the computer register(s) is exposed to allow for price changes.

Volume Display

A six-digit display that shows the total volume of product dispensed during normal operation.