Maxq610 user’s guide – Maxim Integrated MAXQ610 User Manual

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MAXQ610 User’s Guide



SPICF (0Ch, 03h)

SPI Configuration Register


This buffer is cleared to 00h on all forms of reset .

Read/Write Access:

Unrestricted read/write .


Clock Polarity Select. This bit is used with the CKPHA bit to determine the SPI transfer

format . When the CKPOL is set to 1, the SPI uses the clock falling edge as an active edge .
When the CKPOL is cleared to 0, the SPI selects the clock rising edge as an active edge .


Clock Phase Select . This bit is used with the CKPOL bit to determine the SPI transfer for-

mat . When the CKPHA is set to 1, the SPI samples input data at an inactive edge . When the
CKPHA is cleared to 0, the SPI samples input data at an active edge .


Character Length Bit. The CHR bit determines the character length for an SPI transfer

cycle . A character can consist 8 or 16 bits in length . When CHR bit is 0, the character is 8
bits; when CHR is set to 1, the character is 16 bits .


Reserved . Reads return 0 .


Slave Active Select. This bit is used to determine the SSEL active state . When the SAS is

cleared to 0, the SSEL is active low and responds to an external low signal . When the SAS
is set to 1, the SSEL is active high .


SPI Interrupt Enable . Setting this bit to 1 enables the SPI interrupt when MODF, WCOL,

ROVR, or SPIC flags are set . Clearing this bit to 0 disables the SPI interrupt .

SPICK (0Dh, 03h)

SPI Clock Register


This buffer is cleared to 00h on all forms of reset .

Read/Write Access:

Unrestricted read/write .

SPICK.7 to SPICK.0 (CKR[7:0])

Clock-Divide Ratio Bits 7:0. These bits select one of the 256 divide ratios (0 to 255) used

for the baud-rate generator, with bit 7 as the most significant bit . The frequency of the SPI
baud rate is calculated using the following equation:

SPI Baud Rate = 0 .5 x System Clock/(divide ratio + 1)

This register has no function when operating in slave mode and the clock generation cir-
cuitry should be disabled .